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15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Faith,
Welcome to the forums!
15 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello and welcome to our support community. We encourage you to get started on the program and work on challenging your negative thoughts.
Take some time to write an introductory post in 'Introduce Yourself' and get to know the other members. There is a lot of support and knowledge to be gained from them.

Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 43 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow, that's strangely comforting :) I also am here because of emetophobia. I'm 23 now and have been terrified of vomiting since I was 8 or 9 at the latest. I'm glad I'm not the only one here!
I've started doing exposure therapy: pictures! There's a really great and gradual and SAFE site (ie. each picture is behind a link that explains exactly what you will see in the picture, and there are no surprises)on the web. I hope that helps some of you too.
Take care and God bless!
16 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone, I am afraid of this very same thing. I thought I was crazy in some way. I wonder why I am so afraid. When I was 14 I had a bout of vomiting that lasted months. Doctors never could figure out why, it seems that I had every test under the sun done on me. I survived this odd time in my life just fine. Though it wasn't pleasant, there where no harmful lasting effects. So why am I afraid? When I get sick to my stomach I break out in a sweat and feel like passing out. Now If it is a hot day and I break out in a sweat (just because it's hot), I think I am going to vomit and that in itself makes me feel nauseated. To me this seems like a never ending circle...anxious about getting sick makes me sick, and getting sick makes me anxious. Go figure...
16 years ago 0 165 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi brabak108, This is off topic but I was intrigued about your brother vomiting every day. My daughter a few months ago began vomiting quite often. We had put it down to the stomach flu but when it continued we went to the Doctors. He felt it was stress due to school and work. It was my daughter who made the connection that if she had dairy products she would vomit the next day. We began to experiment and figured out that was the problem. We assumed she was lactose intolerant but after a pretty extreme bout of vomiting we saw a different Doctor who said she was not intolerant but allergic. She is now off all dairy products and she no longer vomits. Perhaps your brother has already been checked for this but if not it might be something to look at.
16 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kris, Thanks for sharing your experiences and support! We are all here to work together :) Josie, Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm so glad someone said it, because I am right there with you!! My stomach has never been great, and I think its actually what started these attacks in the first place. A day doesn't go by that I don't feel yucky and that makes me really anxious. I started retching on the way to school because I was feeling so nauseous one morning, and I felt humilated, even though I didn't actually throw up. I believe this is what tipped it off. This was the beginning of feeling sick every single day for months, for which doctors couldnt find a reason. I don't know if it was anxiety that started it or the other way around..its the whole chicken and the egg thing! Chiropractic was the only thing that worked to even get me back to school since I missed 55 days(this was when I was 13, I'm 25 now). I have thrown up since and I still am terrified of it. I won't watch movies that have it in it, or I will cover my eyes and my ears. Its also why I avoid medication like the plague and hate the dentist since the feeling of the impliments in my mouth make me want to gag. You are most defintely not alone! I keep gravol for when I feel REALLY nauseous (I was to the point of almost abusing them when I was younger, because basically the doctors told me to just take them and go to school). Now I only need it when its really bad. Okay this is really weird, but I find having my husband rub muscle rub on my back, the kind that heats up really hot, seems to ease my stomach (I have no idea whether this is just in my head, or if its soothing to the stomach or not). I give credit to this for keeping me away from alcohol..I never wanted to get drunk because I just couldn't take the thought of throwing up for hours if I should get a hangover! I am also meticulous with food preparation because I fear food poisoning like the plague( so there may be a silver lining, just a little, lol) If you ever want to vent about it, feel free to talk to me...I am so glad I'm not the only one, as I find it really embarrassing!
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hoya Annie :) Well, I don't have a fear of vomitting (thankfully since I get stomach flus and such easily... :( ) But I did want to say that I don't think anybody's fears are bizarre or weird. We all have different fears and phobias that come from different reasons. That has to be respected. Me for example, I have struggled much over my life with taking baths and showers. In periods of stress and high anxiety I suddenly become phobic aboutr taking showers or being in the tub. Sonsidering I am extremely clean and hate not to wash you can see where that is a problem. So i do wash everyday but with great difficulty. But with the help of this program I have actually caught myself getting into the shower and washing without even a thought for it! Anyway, sorry for the rambling, All I meant to say is that no fear is bizarre or weird, fear is fear and the good news is that fear can be conquered :) -Diva
16 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow that's nutty! I thought I was the only one thats petrified to vomit! I get so scared if I'm nauseous!!! I want to cry and start to sweat. I need a support group when I vomit. I will fight it as hard as I can and am deathly afraid of stomach bugs. It is bizzare, isn't it?
17 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Josie! I am thinking about doing the program. I have already made so much progress- I used to be scared all the time. Panic attacks every time I left my house. Through lots of work I have stopped that cycle- now it's just the trigger I'm left with- the fear that started that cycle. I have to do something so I may try the program. Thanks!

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