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18 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
well i found my own payback to my husband i went to blockbuster and rented desperate housewives the first season and made him watch it with me lol. we had chinese food and watched movies. today he is playing golf so i am going to spend some money lol!!! gina
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina im glad you and your husband are working it out marriage is so hard.Since coming home my husband cant do enough for me i just hope it stays like this.It certainly makes my anxiety lessen when we are getting on good.Take care. Lulu..
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so happy Gina, I was right. I wish I could help my own life like I do others. I am glad for you. Debbie.
18 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks guys! my husband and i talked it out i think. its just one more thing i have to worry about.yes he was drinking. i sent my daughter to her friends house today. i dont know what to do. i feel sick.. sick ... sick..!i have had no sleep and its hard to eat. my husband seems to be ok.thanks for the support. gina
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Gina, I wish I could just put my arms around you and let you cry and comfort you. This may not even happen, I know your husband has mentioned this before, I know all men do from time to time, ask if you can sit down with him and talk to him, you have a daughter and I know he does not want to hurt her and I know he loves you. I know your family will help support you emotionally, for some strange reason I feel in my heart he does NOT want a divorce, did he have a few drinks in him?? When men drink they say things they do not mean. I am here for you, please write me back and let me know if you talked to him and how you are doing, I will be waiting to hear from you. God bless you Gina, Hang on its gonna be alright!!
18 years ago 0 110 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm so sorry Gina! I'll be sending you positive thoughts as I'm sure everyone on this forum will! Good luck and try to believe that there will be an end to your suffering.
18 years ago 0 222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina, I am sooooo sorry to hear your husband is leaving!! I've been married for 15 years. He's been in my life for so long that I'm not sure how I would get along without him. However, I do know that it is possible - tough at first, no doubt - but, you will make it. Wow.... I'm not even sure what I can say to try to make you feel better or see any light at the end of the tunnel.... I guess all I can say is that we are here for you and you are not alone. I know what you are going through is horrid and it feels like your world is coming to an end. Try to see this as a new beginning. All beginnings are terrifying but you will land on your feet - I know you will make it! You can do this because you are strong!! It will take time so hang in there and have faith you will make it!
18 years ago 0 48 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina, I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Did he say why? I truly now how hard this is, I was married the first time for 11 years, and it crushed me when we split up, he was truly the love of my life. I know at a time like this it doesn't help to say that you will get through this and time will help you to heal, but it truly does, when I was going through my divorce I never thought that I would quit hurting but I did. What made it the hardest was seeing and talking to him, when I got to the point that I didn't see or talk to him for a while, it did start getting easier for me. We had two children together and that made it so much harder for me and the children, but we survived and did have a decent life together. This may just be something that he is going through and needs some time to get his thoughts together. My ex went back and forth and to this day he will tell you it was the worst mistake he ever made. Maybe the two of you just need a little time apart. I hope that you and him will be able to work this out, but if for some reason you can't you can still have a happy and joyful life, you take care of yourself and do what is best for you. Let me know how you are doing. Becky
18 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i came home last night and my husband wants a divorce. i am dieing inside. my chest hurts and mychest is burning. ii dont know how to tell my daughter. my panic is sky high. he is leaving today. support please gina

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