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Morning Madness

18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Debbie, I really needed to hear that!! Thank you so much, it really helps to know someone else who's had the procedure. Do you remember if you had constant pain, like little jabs under your ribs all day long, up to the time of your operation? I am doing ok, just finding it really hard to not focus on my fears about the condition, when I keep getting these constant pains that remind me about it all day long. Have a great walk - enjoy the fresh air and the wonderful company of your son! I just got back from the park with my little guy, it is so enlivening to share in their simple joys!
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Caitlin you helped me. I know my husband means well but I guess he worries the neighbors will talk or something, I use to look and act so normal and now I look so weak and pale, I will go for a walk with my son tonight even if its around the block. I had my gallbladder out in the late 1980's, I know the procedure's have improved alot, they even do laser now instead of surgery, I lived through it so I know if I could I guess anyone can. Let me know how you are feeling. God bless, Debbie.
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please don't be sorry Debbi - we are all here for the same reason and we all know exactly how you feel. I don't want you to bottle up your feelings, I just want you to be able to get out your feelings without having that process become part of the problem, when it just makes you sink deeper and deeper instead of helping you climb out. Does that make sense? You are going to be FINE, just work hard on the CBT program on this site and you will see the changes. Also, I wanted to say that I'm not sure it's a good idea to stay in the house the way your husband suggests. I'm sure he's just trying to protect you or help you feel safe, but it will only make things worse. I think it would be good for him to encourage you, and for you to encourage yourself, to get out every day at least once. Go just a little farther every time - even if it's just half a block more each day or week. That would be a GREAT way to have something positive to post each day - tell us each day whether you went out and where you went or how far... don't rush yourself, just take it one step at a time, literally!!
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I understand now, I am posting looking for reassurance because I am so scared, I am sorry I have posted so much and they have been negative, I see my error, also I do not want to scare anyone on this site thinking it can get this bad, I want others to feel better not worse. I am sorry about my negative irrational posts, those are my words and thats what they are, I am alone and dwell and dwell I must refocus and distract. Thank you all for your words. Debbie.
18 years ago 0 48 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debbie, I've been wanting to post but my computer keeps messing up. I don't know if this helps or not, but my friend who is going through a lot of the feelings and emotions that you are going through finally couldn't take it anymore and went to a psychiatrist for her medication. She was diagnosed correctly this time. Her primary doctor had tried several meds that didn't work. She finally put her back on paxil, which she had taken before and worked great, but the paxil was sending her anxiety way up. Her new doctor upped her xanax for the next few weeks (which she takes day and night) and put her on a mood stabilizer 3 days ago. You would not believe the difference this has made in her life. The last few weeks she has been housebound, she could not drive or go to work, she even quit her job of 7 years because of the fear and panic. She had practically given up to the fact that she would never get over this. Her psychiatrist told her that it was pure panic that she was experiencing. After three days she is now driving and she has done a complete turn around. Pyschiatrists deal with this all the time, I feel that they can correctly diagnose and have a better idea of what meds will work for you. It just may be a matter of finding the right doctor who knows and understands what you are going through. I know it's tough, I have had anxiety and panic for years, so I completely understand how hard this is. Let me know how you are doing. Becky
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debbi. I second Alison's suggestions. No amount of reassurance is going to help at this point. In fact, I really think you should consider whether the amount of reassurance you seek daily is helping or actually hurting you... what I mean by that is, if you constantly focus on all these symptoms all day then your symptoms will seem to intensify and it becomes just a very viscous circle. Maybe one thing you could try is only allowing yourself one "negative" post per day, and only allowy yourself than one negative one IF you post 2 positive ones - whether it be how good your day is going, how many things you got accomplished, how you walked around the block, whatever it is that's good - focus more on that than the symptoms (hence the 2 positive posts for every negative one). Maybe that would help you redirect your thinking a bit... after a week or so, you could move to one negative one for every 3 positive ones... I just think that all the constant posts focusing on all these symptoms are doing you way more harm than good... it's like the analogy Alison made with alcohol and alcoholics... you can become addicted to the reassurances which just feed the need to refocus on other symptoms, perpetually. Like Alison, I hope I do not sound harsh. I just really want to see you fight back at this, and maybe starting with what you focus on in your posts could be a start... Hope you are feeling better. Caitlin
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't doubt that you feel completely emotionally and physically drained. It's exhausting to always think your are dying. You mentioned before that you also felt emotionally better at night. I don't know why that is? Maybe when you go out at night it feels like you are safer because the crazyness of the day is over and at night you see less people out? (Shooting arrows in the dark here, I don't even pretend to know what I'm talking about ;)) I know I didn't start really getting better until I hit rock bottom last fall. This was a constant struggle for 8 years, then through a series of events I really sank low and thought I was going to lose my mind. I scared myself (and my husband) that I let it get of control so much. At that point I couldn't take it anymore and refuse to be so helpless and started seeing my therapists again. Can you take any peace from knowing you had a cat scan? Can you say to yourself, whatever is causing this, it's no big deal. Everyone has aches and pains and that you are going to choose to react to this calmly?
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Allison, You do not sound harsh you sound like you understand what I am going through, this started the moment I opened my eyes, I went to bed in peace and prayer and slept well, there is no reason for this, I usually do not wake up like this its usually comes in a few hours after waking, now I am so exhausted, my whole head hurts and I feel like I am going to throw up, I know no pill or therapist will cure me, I want to cure myself I do not know how, everyday I get more and more discouraged, I feel like I am dying this disorder has whipped me. My son is feeling a little better the cold is breaking up and my husbands seems to be adjusting to the new job, I can leave the house in the evening sometimes, but only in the evening, what do you make of that ALlison? I know you are getting ready for a trip and are probably busy, thank you for taking time to write me, I am sorry to bother you this was a very bad one, they always are after a few days of not having a full-blown, is this normal to feel so spent? MY whole body is aching? I so much want to get better, I am so hoping it will be soon. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you ALlison, God bless you, Debbie.
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Don't not call 911, you are okay. If you had something seriously wrong with you, the catscan, blood work and all the examinations would of uncovered it by now. I know from experience that more you focus on any little symptom - the worse it gets. Reassurance to a hypocrandriac is like alcohol to the alcoholic- it is NEVER enough. You have to accept that you have a mortal body and that there will never be enough doctors, tests, examinations, and people telling you that are okay. It will never be enough. No one will ever be able to guarantee you that you will live X amount of years. Accept this and enjoy what you have TODAY! I am so sorry that I always come across as a harsh person, but you remind be a lot of the tortured hell I lived in many years. You have to put an end to this madness, no pill, no therapist, no doctor's guarantee will do it. Because there is life, there is death. You are not going to live forever, so start living. I DO know your pain Debbie. You have taken steps to get better, don't stop. How is your son? How is your husband's job going? How do you manage with getting groceries and day to day things when you feel like you can leave the house? Hold on to those good days you have had, envision your future like this, picture yourself mentally, physically okay. Please don't feel hopeless, one step at a time you can climb out of this. Hang in there!
18 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I do not know if I am having a stoke or an attack, If I call the paramedics it will upset my little boy, the whole side of my head hurts, my eye is blurry and I feel so sick to my stomach, I dont know what this is, I feel like I am dying.

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