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9 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Smile,

I am noticing there are a lot of people posting recently that have very similar thoughts as you do. Feeling not good enough can certainly be linked to the types of thinking that causes depression and anxiety. It is very common for individuals who struggle with depression and anxiety to self medicate with alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol usually makes things worse as alcohol as a depressant and alcohol abuse can cause negative occurrences in life.How have you tried to address these feelings in the past? Have you ever attended any form of therapy? If no, I would encourage you to look at Cognitive Behaviour Therapy(CBT) as a coping strategy. CBT will help you to challenge and change that engrained belief you have. Check out our sister site for a complete self guided CBT program. I hope this helps!

Ashley, Health Educator
9 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well done making it through New Year's; that's an accomplishment. Did you feel empowered watching others drinking?  Finding a counsellor and a support group is a great idea. You never know what you might learn about yourself from  them. 
I toasted midnight with a glass of soda water and then jumped into a river the next day for the polar bear swim (it was -15 C out!). It felt so good to know I didn't have to brag about "curing my hangover" by jumping into frigid water. It felt SO good to feel like a part of the strong, happy (read not hopelessly hungover) population I've always admired.  Made it onto the news, too :)

9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You will find that your social life will change for the better. I have way more fun now out and about then I did when I was loaded. As for your friends if they are that they will support you, if they are drinking buddies you will soon find that you have nothing in common with them. You will see that they talk about the same things over and over again, that conversations make no sense when they are drinking. I have a new group of friends all who really care about me and my sobriety we meet every day for good conversation and support eachother. AA members are the nicest group of people that I have ever been involved with. If you ever sink low enough to attend a meeting you will quickly see that you are no longer alone. 
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jakelad so glad to hear your life is back on track!! I'm sure it was a long hard struggle. I'm on day 4 without drinking and I don't think or even remember that I've gone this long without a drink in 5 years. I know I just need to quit totally but having a tough time thinking it's going to affect my social life- I know it's just an excuse. But realize the people I associate with when I drink doesn't help. And I know I treat drinking like a friend a good comforting friend too. Kez I'm looking into joining a local support group and deal do some private counseling. I've had some trauma in my life I don't think I've dealt with and need to address which I "think" is adding to me dealing with depression and anxiety issues and ultimately drinking issues. Taking it one day at a time right now... made it through New Years around people drinking and drank diet coke and water! Felt good today!
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We all have to hit a rock bottom. I hope yours is not as bad as mine. Lost everything wife, kids, house, cars, boat, friends, family. My last drunk I took a bottle of pills I hated myself so much. That was March 9. In just under 10 months my life is amazing, I have a beautiful woman whom I love, my career is back on track, my kids come see me. All because I am honest 100%, I try and do the next right thing and willing to do whatever it takes to stay sober, find good sobriety. 
9 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tonight, I finally realized that Admitting I have a problem is the first step. Recognizing, internalizing to truly feel the problem, like the way it feels when a person you know has died, how it weighs so much it crushes all ambition to continue, is by far the only step to ever understanding it.
9 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Kirk, there's nothing like a shame-inducing wake up call to shake a person into action. Good for you for coming here. I'm struggling with the 'alcohol identity' too; it's how everyone knows me and it's been a fairly casual part of my life too for at least 10 years. Like, it's been my best friend when times get tough. But it's taken away so much and caused me to be SUCH an ******* to some of my closest people.  The pain is unbearable.

Anyway, keep coming back here, and what else do you plan to do to cut down? Good luck and welcome.
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took the 12 question test on the site answered yes to 10 out of 12. Not proud...
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jakelad I'm sure you are right my drinking seems to be slowly escalating to a point of black out drunk once every couple of weeks. Waking up trying to remember exactly what I did. If I do continue I will surely lose everything. I'm trying to figure out why why why I drink now till I'm completely totaled. Use to know my limits and hope I can stop. I will check out the link you provided. Thanks
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you are alcoholic and keep drinking your DUI will not be your rock bottom. You may take offended by that but it is the truth. Alcohol will take it all wife, house, kids, job, family, friends, reputation, car, your life, the lives of others. There is no stopping the power of booze in the hands of an alcoholic. I am not saying you are alcoholic. Maybe you would be interested to the 20 questions of AA? Personally I got 17 out of 20 85% I was proud at first.

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