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10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Dave, 

Thanks, I'm glad you started the "Quote" thread, very inspiring. I'm doing very well, thanks.Went to a hypnotist yesterday in hopes of locating my deceased husbands rings which I hid so well that I can't even find them. Unfortunately success eluded me. On the up side there was a naturopath there as well who told me I was gluten intolerant and that's why my knuckles swell. Course couple that with imbibing and it's a recipe for disaster.
So I'm back to being gluten free and on day 30 AF (again). Feeling really good, drinking green smoothies and lots of salads. Energy is on the up swing and my sleep habits although hit and miss, are improving. 
I know I have a long way to go but every AF day is a good day. Hoping we all have lots of good days!
Wishing good things for you and yours,

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi TS,

I often think the same...."How is ...... doing?" I think we all have a deeper understanding of the direction things can go because we've all lived with the enormity of escalation. I hope Drew is well also....

And Zoey.....and Lynn123....and Jewel....and Squashed...and Wendy....and...June....and Junes....and the list goes on and on..I sincerely hope everyone is finding success and peace of mind. 

Speaking of which, I've been wondering how you are doing TS? Everything ok? I quite liked your quote btw.

All the best,

10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm concerned about Drew. I know you were on a "bender" the last time you posted and was wondering if you're trying again. Even if you abstain a couple of days a week it is helpful. Perhaps you could post and let us know how you're getting on.

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi TS,

How are you doing? It's going on 2 weeks now, correct? You must be feeling better. Everything good?

All the best,

10 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
60 days! Congratulations - that's quite an accomplishment!  I'm new, and just want you to know how much your story has inspired me.  Thank you so much for sharing your journey.
10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jewel,

It's really great to hear from you and how well you are doing. Your progress is very inspiring and reminds me I need to continue to focus on my nutrition and healthy lifestyle myself! The thought of going backwards and contaminating my body to the degree I had before is such a foreign concept now that it seems quite crazy. While my nutrition has gotten much better I've noticed how quickly time passes and, if you keep your goes in the front of your mind, it's amazing what you can accomplish. You're a great example of that Jewel. Your progress is a great motivator! Thank you!

And I'm doing well, thanks for asking! 

All the best,

10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jewel,

Staying AF and losing 23 pounds is an amazing accomplishment! Fantastic on you. You are so right that the first two weeks are no fun. This is day 15 for me and I'm so glad the worst is over. I have been eating way too much since I quit but I allowed myself to do that until I got over the initial hump. I look forward to the day where I too can post that I'm 60 days in. Keep up your  fabulous new and healthy lifestyle!
10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's been a while since I've been on. I hope each of you are doing well. I'm still AF, at least 60 days. Never thought I would be writing that much less living this lifestyle. I can tell you, I feel so much better without the alcohol. The first few weeks were terrible,  yet I survived. As some of you know, I've been working on loosing weight and becoming healthy--lost 23 pounds thus far. If I can do it, I know you can. Never give up! There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Continue to work toward your goals. Zoey, Lynn, and Dave.......I hope you guys are well. Blessings to all!! 

Support & Hope,

10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Drew,

I sense a great deal of fear in your words. You want to be alcohol free, understand the damage that you are doing to yourself, recognize the benefits when you slow down for a time, and as soon as you start to feel a little better, you go on another “bender.” As foxman pointed out, “I hope you realize the powerlessness and un-manageability” of your behavior.

Drew, although we can be here to lend support, ultimately you are the one that needs to affect action. How are you helping yourself to exact success? Are you learning everything you can about the effects of alcohol on your Body? Do you try to drink other beverages before taking that first alcoholic drink. Do you recognize that perhaps your body needs nourishment when you experience a craving. Have you tried taking a walk or distracting yourself other ways before reaching for the bottle.
Do you document in your diary exactly the number of drinks you are consuming? Are you also including how much money you are spending on your hobby? Are you noting how your behavior affects those that care about you? What about the hangovers, diarrhea, the stench in your bedroom the morning after a drunk as your body tries to rid itself of toxins. What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are your eyes bloodshot...tinged yellow, is your skin dull and dry, how do you smell?  Are you still in yesterday’s clothing? Look around your home, are there spilled drinks, broken glass, upturned furniture?
Writing everything down in your diary will help you to decide if this is the life you want.

If it is, press on.


10 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am glad you made it back. Hope you realize the powerlessness and un-manageability. We need help. Hopefully you can find some meetings of AA in your neighborhood. I was in the same position about 7 years and 9 months ago. But for the grace of god, here I am, a free man, enjoying life without any mind altering substance. I couldn't go without booze even for few days leave alone a month or two.

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