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19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi debbi and B, i am not on any meds right now. debbi i hope you feel better and you too b we are a miss lately lol.i am scare of any meds but z-pak is the only one i can take. debbi you need to fight back and try to get threw your fears easy for me to say i am scared of everything also but i make myself go to work and live.we are stronger than we think. i love you girls i really mean that you guys help me more than you will ever know. hugs gina
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina, I went to the Doctor, I have Bacterial Broncitis!! He gave me Z-pack but I had to change to Amoixcillian because I had a reaction years ago to Eureymician which is a close cousin to Zithomax, after that Levaquin sent me to the ER throwing up blood Gina, antibotics scare me and they should not, these days everything scares me Gina, even life, I went to the grocery store after the Doctors and was so dizzy and nervous but at least I did it, I cannot let my world get any smaller. Let me know how you are Gina, GOd bless, Debbie.
19 years ago 0 82 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Debbi and Gina, How are you feeling? I hope all is well and you are feeling better today. How is the medication working? Debbi, did you receive your results? I have a bad sinus infection but the antibiotics don't seem to be working:-( Gina, how are you doing with the medicine? Are you okay? Write back when you get a chance. Hugs, B
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
debbi, i cant believe i never got dressed today that is not like me.i just feel out of it.i have to work tomarrow.yeah the storm is horrible those poor people are going to lose everything. last year we ruffed charlie it was really scary but my house is new and has all the updated hurricane windows and stuff. so we had only minor damage like our shed and our satelite. alot of people lost everything.they are still needing roofs.get well soon gina
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sorry you are having such a bad day Gina, I am too, I am coughing so bad I think I cracked a rib or something. I will pray for you, for both of us, I will go light my Blessed Mother Candle right now for us, the hurricane is not going to hit us in Florida, but I pray for the people in New Orleans, its awful storm. Write me back and let me know how you are. GOd bless, Debbie.
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
debbi, i am so... depressed i cant get out my pj's.please pray for me. gina
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina, They did not check my blood at the ER because they just needed my urine for the kidney infection they said, I hate giving blood I almost pass out so I try not to I hate needles! I hope I do not need more antibotics the last ones made me so sick, is your husband sick you said? I hope he is better. I have a really bad cough, my whole chest is aching and I am coughing up mucus and it scares me, I hope its not broncitis. Let me know how you are doing, GOd bless, Debbie
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
debbie, its true stress can make you really councilor said stress can cause your body to shut down. but i think you will be fine. i hope tomarrow you will feel alot better.yesturday my face felt werid and i freaked out i started thinking stroke, heart attack. i have health scares too. when you were in the er did they check your blood? cause if something was wrong with you it would of showed up.but if you dont start feeling better you amy need another dose of antibotics.debbi i pray this will end for all of us we are great people and just want to live and be happy. hugs gina
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Gina, I am in pretty bad shape today in every way, my immune system must be shot from all the worrying and panic and now this cold which I hope is just a cold and not something worse! I know you are praying for me. God bless, Debbie.
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
happy belated birthday!!!i hope you feel better soon. when i am sick my anxiety sky rockets husband is sick also.i was worried about you with the hurricane thank god you are ok. it didnt hit where i live.i hope the paxil kicks in for you. i am still scared of meds. my husband last night almost forced one down my throat. i had two panic attacks in one day. but today is a new day and i am feeling better.get well soon! gina

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