For me once I decided to be sober for me, temptation was something I put into my head that I woud not tolerate. I had to sit down and figure out what type of situations, people and places might tempt me to drink. Then I had to remove them. I had to cut my brother out of my life for over a year, until he decided he also wanted to be sober and then I would only talk to him on the phone or meet him at an AA or NA meeting until he was sober about 6 months. I had to know he was serious, because we did a lot of drinking together and Sobriety has to be selfish to work. I cannot risk what I have gained, by putting myself into a situation I know could be dangerous. If I slide back down that hill I am of no use to anyone.
I know I have at least one more relapse in me,we all do, but what I dont know is if I have another recovery in me.
It does not matter whether a person is one day sober or ten years sober, we are all one drink away from relapse.
It is said, "One drink is too many, and a thousand is never enough"
My next drink, if I took one, could very well be the one that destroys me.