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19 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina havnt heard from you for a little while now hope thats a sign that things are going good for you.Just wanted you to know im thinking of you. :) Lulu..
19 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina Change. Its scarey anytime we face change in life, more so when you suffer from anxiety, panic and depression. How do you get yourself to go to Georgia this weekend? First off you have the right to say No. Give voice to your concerns and what makes you uncomfortable. I saw several things in your post about your feelings, you dont want to "freak out" in front of his parents, you are afraid to move (change), you dont feel "mentally stable" enough to make decisions. All very valid emotions. This is a stressful situation for someone who does not suffer from anxiety and panic, so its even more stressful for you. I dont know all the details but if the move is necessary then talk, really talk to your hubby about how you are feeling. Then tell him you might be willing to go but he has to understand that you are uncomfortable and feeling pressured and that you might have panic attacks. Tell his parents the same things. Then tell yourself [b]SO WHAT IF[/b] I have a panic attack, whats the worse that can happen? Then gather up your "tools" (medication, walkman with tapes, print outs whatever it takes). I know how hard it can be, I have been housebound for 4 years now and just starting to get mobile again. I dont go anywhere without my "tools" funny as it may seem I carry a bottle of water, small brown paper bag (for hyperventaliation) have never used it but it makes me feel better to have it. A walkman loaded with my favorite "panic" tape. A handful of print outs from the net about what to do when having a panic attack. Before I go anywhere. How is your therapy going? When last I used to visit these boards you were starting therapy and were very excited with your sessions and thought you were on the road to recovery.
19 years ago 0 82 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey there Gina, things will work out...hang in there...I know moving can be difficult -- perhaps this change will be much needed for you... Keep us posted, B
19 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina how are you feeling? Change is very scary when you suffer with anxiety but you will be ok we are here and we certainly understand how you feel.Is there any way you could get your husband to see your therapist with you so he can understand what it is you are going through?My psychologist suggested for me to bring my husband along to one of my sessions but he wouldnt go maybe yours could.Take care. Lulu..
19 years ago 0 222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Gina! What is a headache powder? That sounds so 1800s to me it made me laugh! ;p It seems like everything is in pill form so I guess it just sounded strange that things are sold in a powder form these days. Anyways, that makes a lot of sense that it would be affecting your tongue if you take it a lot. I know that if I eat powder candy, my tongue feels like it has cuts in it because it gets so tender. I'm glad you found out what it was!! I'm sorry you're having so many marital problems! Maybe the move to Georgia and the change of scenery will be good? At least you'd be able to get out of the weather you're in now - daily forecast of suffocating heat with a slight chance of overwhelming warmth. -hee hee hee- I can't stand the heat! It always makes my anxiety worse. Try to think positively about the move. One thing I know is that the more negatively we think about something, the worse the anxiety and depression gets. Try to find some good things about the move. Maybe you could write a list of pros and cons and try to put more pros on there than cons so you will feel better about it? Don't worry about falling apart in front of his parents. They know you are going through a hard time right now. What I do when I fall apart in front of people is politely excuse myself and go outside and get some fresh air or go to the bathroom until I can calm down enough to handle it. Keep telling yourself you've been through this before and you've made it, you will make it through again. I know it's hard but you will have good times again! Ride out the rough times you are going through now and know that you will have good days again. The one thing that is certain is that life is in a constant state of change. You are stronger than you feel - I promise!!
19 years ago 0 222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Gina! What is a headache powder? That sounds so 1800s to me it made me laugh!
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina, Thats great you did not have to take a Xanax, its there if you need it if not thats good too. Moving is scary, I know sometimes I would like to move back to Ohio, I get so tired of the heat in Florida and the cost of living, my husband got a new job after 22 years, I am really scared its such a big change! I had a pretty good night, we got take-out and I shopped and had a "normal" evening, it felt SO good Gina after all this non-stop fear and sickness and everything, my husband and I actually had a nice talk, he helped me sort things out, which was a pleasant change. The headache powder is probably causing the tongue numbness, I have heard before that happens. Let me know how you are. God bless, Debbie.
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey everyone, i hope all is well.i am not feeling good still.its taking a toll on family. my husband seems fed up and stressed out.i am tired. we went out to dinner but my husband and i really didnt talk and my daughter wouldnt eat her food.last night i went to the doctors about my tongue it could be from my headache powders i take.i am not crying today just feel i catch myself just starring.the good news is i havent taken any xanax today and no panic attacks.i cant remember the last time i went a whole day with no husband wants to go to geogia this weekend to look at buying a house. i am scared to death to leave florida. he wants to seel our house and move but first we have to find a house and a area we like. i just dont feel mentally stable enough to make that desion.but this weekend we are supposed to be going with parents looking for a house. i tould him to go and i would trust the house he picks but he said i need to go. how do i get myself to go to geogia????i pray i dont freak in front of his parents again. well please post back. gina

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