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19 years ago 0 82 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am glad you are feeling okay...and had a better day...hang in there...things will get better...are you insured through your husband? Anxiety truly does make us worry about our health...are there any other options available? B
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
well i made threw the day at work. i cried driving the whole way there.i was in the tanning bed this morning crying my eyes out. my hands and feet have spent sweating all day they have been soaked. anyone know what that means?thanks everyone for being here for me. i dont know what i would do without you guys. my daughter is eight and spolied husband seems to be trying to understand again after i broke down crying this morning. i am still having health scares . WHY?? i am so scared of stroke or heart attack. i have no insurance or i would have everything checked out. my mom went and had an ultra sound on her kidneys,heart,lungs everything. to try to find out whats wrong with her. i will let you know when i find out.well thanks again guys. please pray for me. gina
19 years ago 0 82 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina, I am so sorry about everything -- but hang in should speak with your doctor and go from there...I know how oyou feel when the anxiety just consumes you...and feel like you have no where to turn, but remember that God is with you every step of the are such a strong and amazing person and you have helped so many of us...I also think that I will not wake up in the morning -- maybe it's something I ate, what I thought, or some illness...but we do wake up every morning, don;t we? Gina, I hope I can speak with you online....I will be logged on all day.... Have faith and do what you feel is have to start thinking of old is your daughter? Talk to your daughter heart to heart and how you are feeling...I look at my mother and she truly is my best friend.... Sending you hugs, B
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks for the support. i woke up feeling the same. i am happy i didnt die last night. i have had a bad week at work and my husband and i arent getting a long. i need go to work today.i cant stop shakeing. i thought about telling my family i am going to work ang go to the mental hospital.i dont know what to do. my hands are sweating as i type.i cant let my daughter or husband know i am feeling this way. i have no one.i am having a muscle spazim i my right arm by my elbow. i am scared. gina
19 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina, I am with you tonight girl! It's 130 am and I'm so tired but when I start to fall asleep I wake up with a jump, like i'm really startled. I feel it in my heart and the pit of my stomach so I decided I may as well get up and go back to bed when I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I have taken a xanax which is normally my miracle worker but otnight it's not even touching it. My husband woke up screaming the other night and it startled me so bad that the rest of this week has been a nightmare. I am so much more anxious than normal. It's weird how something like that can mess me up for so long. Does anyone else have a very, very sensitive startle reflex. Mine is so sensitive and annoying. I hope you have finally fallen asleep Gina- I think I'll be awake for a bit longer :( I really don't know why we have to suffer in such a cruel way. It's tough having an illness that so few understand. Good night
19 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina i wish I could help you more,i dont know why we are like this,and why we suffer..I see you,debbi,and me are always sick..we ARE gOD LOVING PEOPLE AND LOTS ON tHE board suffer from feeling ill also..I dont have anwser,but a prayer,and a chitown hug i will give..Your on my mind sis,and i hope you turn out of this funk,as you read im sure im in one to..I will help however you think i can friend..By the way it was stated already a Mental Hospital wont deal with anxiety you dont need to go there..Its like you can find a comfort zone i call it from a pil,or a bath,or sleep or talking sometimes its so strong nothing works i fear that..The what ifs suck to because i can never tell ehen im sick,or its my anxiety causing it..I wish i knew.. Outlaw P.s i will be able to im all day sunday?
19 years ago 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety is so difficult to deal with. One minute you catch a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel and the next you are deep in the darkness. Gina as I read your post I thought of my own stuggles this week. I thought about how disappointed I was in myself for feeling the way I do. I frequently wonder if this nightmare is ever going to end. I wish I could give you encouring words to make you feel better. I know how difficult it can be when you can't sleep and how worse it makes your body feel. Try to get some rest. I had a tooth removed one time. It was so painful. My entire mouth hurt. The dentist said that was normal because I was in so much pain. I hope and pray that you will be feeling better soon. Everyone says it will get better. I guess its up to us to have faith in that. Take Care
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina I hope the Xanax kicks in, can you take a 1/2 of another one, I dont know what you dose is perhaps just a tiny bit more will do the trick, I fully understand your pain, I can almost feel it in my heart and I wish I could hug you, I have an idea can you curl up and cuddle up with your little girl? I think her warmth and the love you feel with her will calm you down, I did that one time with my son and he yelled "Your snoring Mom get out" I thought that would make you smile, try to curl up with your little girl, for some reason I think that will calm you because I know the love you feel for her like I do with my son, I was a mess today and finally calmed down, believe me GIna I was a total basket case and it went away and it WILL go away for you. I am praying for you. Let me know how you are doing. Debbie.
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i cant sleep tonight i am scared too death i am might not wake up.i keep thinking i am having a heart attack or stroke. i cant tell my husband cause he dont want to hear it any mouth is still bothering me. the werid thing is i had my lower tooth cut out but the top teeth are hurting anyone know why?i want to go to the er cause i think something is wrong with me like stroke or something but if i do this my husband will probably divorce me. i have taken xanax and its not calming me down. i am scared!!!!!!!!!!!!gina
19 years ago 0 444 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina I am praying you start to feel better, I have had a horrible week myself and am physically ill, sleeping more is not bad when you do not feel well sleep rejuvanates the body, you do not need to commit yourself, they dont do that with people with panic/anxiety, I personally cannot wait till this week is over it seems to have been rough for just about everyone on the site. I fully understand what you are feeling. Please get some rest. God bless, Debbie.

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