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Not long but feels good

12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well today is day 85 without a drink.  A few times I've had to leave the house and wander around a mall with a coffee to get by, but it worked.  Came close to blowing it on Christmas Eve day (was alone) but forced myself to go to a movie instead.  85 days still doesn't feel that long but the periodic cravings are almost gone.  To be honest, right now I am feeling absolutely GREAT!
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Don't know why but had to blow the diet yesterday to keep from having a drink.  Feel OK today.  No craving.
12 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well done, Rusty. I woke up feeling good this morning too. My wife tells me that I no longer snore and she doesn't have to dig me in the ribs at 3am to make me breathe! I've lost ten pounds since starting and although my blood sugar wasn't high enough to meet the definition of diabetes, it was definitely elevated and diabetes would be the next health problem to surface if I didn't do anything.
I've got into a routine with the evening meals now, and the desire for a glass of wine has faded from a major struggle to a slight distraction with the dragon just whimpering a little in the corner. It's harder on weekends of course. But somehow I seem to do better and have more resolve when I'm feeling dreadful. I have to watch when everything is going well, because all of a sudden the dragon is right there and Whammo - I'm burnt to a crisp!
Good luck with your program. Just keep doing the right thing.
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not sure I'm a good one to suggest anything.  It took weeks for me to finally follow through with my early morning resolutions that I would not drink that day, until I finally had a great day, was in a great mood in the afternoon, and had things to do in the evening.  That day I finally stopped.  Now its just keeping the streak going.
I'm also diabetic and overweight trying to eat appropriately and lose some weight.  On the few late afternoons when I couldn't find any other distractions that worked and was sure I would end up at the liquor store, I decided it was better to blow the diet a bit or even badly that day, so I did.  The alcohol craving went away.  I put on a few pounds but now have those off.  So for now that is my strategy.  If all else fails blow the diet but don't have a drink.  Lately I haven't had to blow the diet.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello rusty, 

Thank you for the update, keep fighting the good fight. What strategies have you used to keep yourself on track with your goals? What tips would you give to someone on day 1?
Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Now at 50 days.  While I really sympathize with anyone who has made it for a short or long while and then slipped as I certainly have many times, thanks for posting about it.  A couple of times I strongly considered a "slight" slip, you know, a glass or two when out, I read your posts and know exactly where it would take me, so I don't.  May not last forever, but for now it works.  I'll take "for now" any day of the week.  Thanks GeorgeandtheDragon and splitimage for posting and maybe unknowingly helping to keep me on track.  Hope you stay back on track.
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One month now and passed on two offers to buy me a drink after a game last week without a problem.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great work rusty, continue to keep your resolve! Glad to hear that you had a productive day, keep the strength going throughout the week. 

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Made it through today (stores closed now) and got a lot done in the process.  Wasn't as hard as I expected.  Weekdays will be easier as I have filled up a lot of my weekday time.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Stay strong Rusty! Glad to hear you made it through a difficult day, be very proud of each of your successes! How will you stay strong today? What coping mechanisms will you use today?
Samantha, Health Educator

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