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Right place for me?

14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ray:
Found a better, nearer grocery store so I have no reason the be near the pub. How's that for a small wonder! I've heard from some of my old best friends. Wondering where I'm at. Ignoring some, others I'm saying I have to get my glucose under control, so I'll not be around. No lie in that. Just doing what I need to do to stay sober. Meeting tonight! Looking forward. Thanks for your kind words. Means alot!
14 years ago 0 251 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so glad to hear that you have been going on your merry way and going on with your day without stopping by the pub. Focus on yourself and doing what is right for you. We can hope that your friends eventually will do the same. 
I have actually had a few friends, rethink their drinking habits once they saw me turn things around for myself. I have the control now, and I never want a substance to take over my decision making power again. It was way too risky.
 I'm glad to be sober. I'm happier than ever.
14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Patsyelle: Self back-pat given. Thanks! Maybe if my "friends" at the pub think about my drinking, thry'll think about their own. I was not the only problem drinker there. Not by a long shot! Can't avoid the place altogether because of its' proximity to stores I patronize. I can just wave at the window and go on my merry way.
The weather looks grand today so my mood is a bit better.
Have a super day everyone!
14 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You made a wise decision not to respond to the bartender - sounds like a marketing ploy!!!
You are certainly dealing with a lot but look at the success you have had with smoking - I smoked for years and tried giving it up many times till I finally succeded so I appreciate how hard that was.  Now that you are putting that same sort of effort into not drinking you are bound to succeed.
Give yourself a pat on the back !!
14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yep, got it in the mail in time. My health is what it is and certainly there's room for improvement. I'm really concentrating on my glucose levels. Doing all the right things. There's alot of foods I have to avoid. Since I'm not smoking AND not drinking, I'm craving sugary things. This is like a triple whammy! Yikes!
Sugar levels are a tad better, the ultrasound will show more I'm sure, as well as the blood results.
Thanks everyone for the kind support! I appreciate it!
PS: The bartender texted me late yesterday afternoon. They're all wondering if I'm okay as I have suddenly disappeared. Maybe the bartender is projecting the loss in the tip cup, or the owners making the rent. Well it's time the economy sucked for them too! I don't think they give a rat's tush if I'm okay or not. Nope. Not going there (today surely not) and not replying to the text.
14 years ago 0 557 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good for you for not stopping at the pub. Leave the devil out!!lol
14 years ago 0 557 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good thing to you also Tallone. You are so right about how nice it is to receive a hand-written note. It is like you can feel the person care for you and took the time.
I hope all your health problem improve. I guess not drinking for a while will certainly help.
14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Sam and Hello Ray! Glad to be here again!
Thought I'd be talking about the AA meeting I was going to today. The web said it was a 1:00 pm Tues - Fri meeting. I was excited that I got a close parking place because it's been raining all day. I had already picked up laundry and walked the dog, so two things were already accomplished. I was on a roll!
To my dismay, the meeting didn't happen. The gate was shuttered and locked and a sign from February 2010 stating that the meeting had moved to another time and location. Now all the meetings in my neighborhood are in the evening. No afternoon meetings except on Sunday. I really prefer afternoons, but it is what it is. I tried not to be too disappointed and continued on to get that haircut I promised myself. No wait - in and out. Then a little grocery shopping. Treating us to some nice steaks I picked up at the butcher. I wanted pork chops, but the market had thin pickin's today.
I didn't stop at the pub for a seltzer like I promised I wouldn't. I wanted to, but am really trying to exercise discipline. Got in the car and came back home.
I found a nice email waiting for me when I logged in. I had reached out to an old therapist that treated me years ago  - before 9/11. I remember holding things back from him during the 18 or so months he treated me.. I don't want to hold back anymore. It's so toxic, these demons and feelings. He was happy to hear from me and said he thought about me often. He said his schedule is presently full, but if there's a cancellation, and I know in time, I am welcome to fill the spot and we can continue from where we left off years ago. That is so beautiful that he is trying to make time for me.
So I'm okay right now. There is a meeting this evening at 7:00 up the road. If I know I can start dinner later, maybe I can make that meeting. I really feel I need a meeting.
The dog and I are going to watch a movie this afternoon. Can't read books yet because my mind wanders and I easily get distracted. Have so many great books waiting to be read! Think I'll write that card today too. It's a old friend's birthday soon. We've been friends 32 years and worked together. Old friends are the best, aren't they???
Thanks everyone for letting me talk.
14 years ago 0 251 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tallone,
This is definitely the right place for you! Welcome and make yourself at home! It sounds like this is "your" time! Work through the program at your own pace, it will help you understand your drinking and help you prepare to cut down or cut it out completely. Whatever you choose to do, we are all here for you and support you all the way! 
Hear from you soon!

14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tallone,
Thank you for sharing with us, you are very talented at expressing yourself. I look forward to hearing more from you.
It sounds like you have made some significant discoveries about yourself as of late and are ready to make the necessary changes.  It is obvious that you have come to appreciate the important things in life like reaching out to a loved one and sending them a card. You will definitely make someone feel really good by doing this!
Continue working hard, changing up your routine and keeping us posted on your progress!
What will you do today to move forward with your progress? 

Samantha, Health Educator

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