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SMART TURKEY QUIT- DAY 52 -Easier than i thought

5 years ago 0 796 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shazzan,
 Welcome to the site and a BIG congratulations on becoming a non-smoker!  
You hit the nail on the head too. "The Mindset is key to this kind of easy quit". A quit is 10% physical and 90% mental. In the right frame of mind you can do it. 
 "To minimize these cravings, when you quit nicotine, you must half your caffeine intake. Nicotine used to lessen the impact of caffeine, eat breakfast as to balance your blood sugar levels, and drink plenty of water.  Those 3 little things can eliminate some symptoms which may otherwise be taken as withdrawals. (jitters, anxiety , trouble sleeping, constipation etc)."  This is true too. You really need to drink plenty of fluids, but try and avoid the alcohol for awhile. Alcohol lets you drop your guard and opens the door for the NicoDemon to come back in and take control of YOUR life. "Read everything you can, arm yourself with the tools and mindset and prepare for this Wonderful Escape From Nicotine." Right again. Knowledge really is powerful. The more you know the easier it should be.
 Sounds like you and your husband are doing great Shazzan, keep it up! 
Stay strong.
Not One Puff Ever
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 771 Hours: 9

    Minutes: 4 Seconds: 38

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

5 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi . I was looking to better my health after 45 yrs smoking and around 28 a day. I never thought i could quit, but decided to try a lung cleanse which included ginger and turmeric. I later found out the ginger curbed nicotine cravings. I wanted to cut down, so i tossed my smokes where i had to get up to get them. A week after taking the lung cleanse, i woke up and didn't feel like a smoke right away. I put it off for 2 hrs. and only smoked 3 that day. It took discipline using the 4 D's but I found it wasn't too bad. The next day i joined a quit group and smoked 5. The third day I got up and got a nicotine rush with my first drag. I had been smoking  this last day and 2 previous days in the kitchen, thinking and tasting every drag. Tasting the poison it held, despising it for making me an addict, stealing my health and money with  ABSOLUTELY nothing in return. . Once learning how nicotine works, it is easy to WANT to become a non-smoker and be free of nicotine forever. 
I quit on the fourth day without waiting for my quit date. Why prolong the nicotine withdrawals? The nicotine withdrawal caused by the little nicotine monster only last 48 to 72 hours,. and there are tips i have found that minimize the cravings which are not physical, but mere thoughts. I didn't mind them knowing it was a little monster pleading for its life, and I held the power to starve it to death. 
To minimize these cravings, when you quit nicotine, you must half your caffeine intake. Nicotine used to lessen the impact of caffeine, eat breakfast as to balance your blood sugar levels, and drink plenty of water.  Those 3 little things can eliminate some symptoms which may otherwise be taken as withdrawals. (jitters, anxiety , trouble sleeping, constipation etc).  
The Mindset is key to this kind of easy quit. Once your understand nicotine, what it did to you and how just one little puff will reignite all the sensors that  you have shut down, you will not ever desire to take a puff.  Once you truly WANT to be a non-smoker you can become one by thinking like one. We were once non-smokers, but have forgotten how that felt before having our brains hi-jacked and fallen into the nicotine trap. 
Read everything you can, arm yourself with the tools and mindset and prepare for this Wonderful Escape From Nicotine. My husband was two weeks behind me in a quit, also without any significant cravings after the 3 days. I assure you there are others that i have found one other sites who have done it easily too.  I am sure there are some here as well.
I hope that my story can negate some of the fear that comes with the thought of giving up smoking. Remember that you are not  "giving up"  anything but rather CHOOSING to become a happy -non -smoker. With this belief and having the confidence in yourself, you too can live a life free from the tyranny of the nicotine monster. 
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 6522 Hours: 16

    Minutes: 26 Seconds: 59

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    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

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