Hi Everyone, Long story short I quit smoking 11/9/14 because it was starting to taste awful, I thought it was do to the stomach issues I had been having for the two months leading up to my quit. In any case shortly after I had stomach tests done including an ultrasound and it came back that I had a fatty liver and an oblong mark on my liver, so I was sent for a cat scan. Mind you it had been at this point two weeks since I quit and I am prone to anxiety so I lost it. I was sure I was dying, I hardly ate lost 15-20 pounds in no time. Results came back clear, but my stomach was still bothering and I was sure there was something wrong so my anxiety took over and without having cigarettes to help calm me. I went into panic. I started experience symptoms of silent reflux for which I medicated on two prilosec a day for a month in a half, until I had to stop because the side effects of that had me in constant panic. Come the end of January I was at psychiatrist because I felt I had to go on something for anxiety, well that made it worse for three weeks. At the time I was also experiencing difficulty talking, up until now i can talk for short periods otherwise my voice gets fatigued and feels like i will choke. Went to ent nothing wrong with vocal cords but said i have muscle tension dysphonia and am going to speech therapy. When i eat the muscle under my jaw behind my chin gets achy and tired, I get neck muscle tension upper back tension and so on. But I've had all tests and just know I am healthy. I know that with my anxiety i created the muscle tension because I did not have the nicotine to ease the tension. My question is does it sound like my anxiety has been exacerbated by not smoking and can the neck and muscle tension also be from that. My hands go numb a lot. Which I have experienced before but now more so. I don't want anymore tests I am done with tests just want to have an idea if nicotine withdrawal can last so long. Or just a pep talk would be good. I just feel like you quit smoking to feel better and be healthier and then this is what you get. It's so frustrating. Thanks for listening. I know if may all be jumbled up, but i think you will get the point. Thanks again.