Hey dori,
One thing i noticed with the NRT (lozenge, in my case) was that I got irritable and moody with each decrease in nicotine level. I was also kind of depressive and weepy. I think it had to do with having just enough to "taste" it, but not enough to be satiated. So I would get edgy and then start Jonesing for a smoke, too.
Another explanation that I read is that when a person is angry, they actually flush nicotine out of the system at a more rapid rate. That is why smokers tend to light up when they are stressed out. The stress triggers physical withdrawal, which increases stress, and it's a vicious cycle.
A lot of that roller coaster ended when I detoxed from all nicotine, period. I'm not sure if you are ready for that step, but I will tell you that a lot of the moodiness calms down once you've ended all nicotine for 3 days.
In the meantime, drink your water, take your walks, time your craves, do deep breathing, time yourself out of a situation if needed, and remember that this too, shall pass.