Hang in there Mom! Encourage your Hubby and help him get thru the day too, chew on stir stix, coffee straws, I used to suck on a straw. Much on licorice or caroot sticks, do whatever works. Spend as much time as you can here reading posts. There is a lot of help here.
The first few days are the worst and it gets better every day after that. You'll feel sleepy and woozy and tired, but thats OK, you are recovering from an addiction and you should pamper yourself. In a few days you will be able to breath fully again, your complextion will look so much clearer and more pink, you won't get sick as often and when you do, colds won't last as long, or be as strong, the benefits as so worth the work.
Take it one day at a time, or even one hour at a time, it is so worth it. Smoking was killing you, and you can save your own life, by quitting!
Hang out here, and tell Hubby about this place too, nicotine is a nasty, addictive drug, whether smoked or chewed. Think of all the cash you two will save! Keep on quitting, you can do it!