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Dark skies threaten every day,
Sodden turf, dripping eaves,
Roadway rivers, bending trees.
Windswept landscape, soaked by storm,
Lines down, tarps torn.
Lampposts swaying, umbrellas failing,
Walkers struggling to keep their feet.
Daylight darkness fills the room,
Lost power compounds the gloom.
Glorious weather, pouring down,
Welcome to my London Town.
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She is nervous as her hand
Reaches for the lighter that sits gently
In a young man's curled fist.
She quivers as his loose fingers put a
Between her pale shaded lips.
It's a little less than a suicide.
It's a little more than a bad habit.
But somewhere, she got lost between the two.
A pack a day is a heavy price to pay.
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