The weight for me came off later after 200 days or so of quitting. At the beginning your metabolism slows down and the hand mouth thing seems to be strong the first couple of months. Little tips that helped me. I tried to always take things with me on the road so that I would not succumb to fast foods and the like. Most restaurants are not good for you so try to limit going out too often. Exercise is the best because it not only improves self esteem but you tend to eat healthier and crave more water rich foods, like fruits veggies etc. Try to stay mostly in the produce aisle and away from the middle of the supermarket (processed foods). If you run out of ideas on what to make you can find many great books out there on healthy eating. Most of all accept and be kind to yourself right now for who you are.. a person who has quit smoking and going through life transforming changes. Give your body time to adjust to all of this, the weight issue for most adjusts if keep doing as above. Oh and drink lots of water.. you can lose lots of weight just doing that, google it if you want to know more. Good Luck, Ron