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Today's been a b***ch!

16 years ago 0 591 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
LOL I think your government was handing out cigs to anyone who would take them so tey could collect all the lovely tax money now! I'll remember to never borrow anything from donkey apertures! Thanks! :) [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]7/17/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 553 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 41,475 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $10,368.75 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 49 [B]Hrs:[/B] 9 [B]Mins:[/B] 26 [B]Seconds:[/B] 21
16 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hej Misty, I need a new strategy to deal with the supermarket! I go out to get milk and bread and find that out of boredom or greed I get to the checkout with all kinds of stuff I just lusted after - even down to a box of twelve Real Friut popsicles _ and my freezer is broken?!! Next thing after this Quitting is to deal with my addiction to sugar and carbs ... one thing at a time tho'../. I'll concentrate on the no-smoking ... Damn it! I've managed to pick up every radical addiction in the universe and there was no warning on my walker as a baby that I should be wary about any of them - where was my government when I needed to be led by the nose into righteous living!!?? Sorry you got stuck with a bad tempered Mother's Husband of a man. Glad I don't have someone like that around when I get an attack of the irritables!!Never borrow anything from donkey apertures..... [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]1/17/2008 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 4 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 100 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $45.00 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 20 [B]Mins:[/B] 43 [B]Seconds:[/B] 44
16 years ago 0 591 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Moss - Thank you very much! I downloaded a Kathy Smith beginners walking MP3 last night, so I laced up my shoes, put on my headphones and hit the pavement. I feel much better now. That work out was called "Walking Easy" but I sure did work up a sweat! I did get grouchy at my family before I left though, but one of the mods mentioned on the weight loss site that it takes practice to develope new strategies. That's what the issue was for me - I had to spend a lot of time thinking and planning what to do, and don't yet have things set up so that I can just... go. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]7/17/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 553 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 41,475 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $10,368.75 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 49 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 58 [B]Seconds:[/B] 49
16 years ago 0 649 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Misty. I am sorry you are having one of those crappy days. Just take a hug for all the good you do here and accept a thank you from me for your advice and input here. Moss [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]11/19/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 63 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 945 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $212.63 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 10 [B]Hrs:[/B] 4 [B]Mins:[/B] 58 [B]Seconds:[/B] 33
16 years ago 0 591 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm having a day myself. I just had a little tift with my mom's husband. My camera broke and i have been borrowing theirs. Last week was his 80'th birthday party and my mom told me to come and take the pictures since I have their camera, and they would come by and pick up my memory card and get them developed. they came today and got the memory card and then he said he didn't know which pictures to have devloped, and i told him they put the card in the machine and pick their pictures, and he said he wanted the camera back to pick them before then. I meen - it's their camera and they have every right to it, but I had plans to take some pictures this week - one of me at a heavy weight for my weight watchers memories and some of the kiddos. I think the most bothersom thing about it is that it wouldn't have done any good to just tell him that because when he doesn't get his way he throws a big fit, cusses, gets abusive and scares me, so I just handed it over like a good little girl and now i'm so frustrated that I can hardly move or breathe. I just really haven't developed any coping skills yet that don't involve smoking or eating and don't know what to do with this crap i'm feeling. I can feel the muscles in my back clenching and tears are just running down my face without my permission! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]7/17/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 553 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 41,475 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $10,368.75 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 49 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 52 [B]Seconds:[/B] 12
16 years ago 0 591 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Daily - Be good to yourself and reward yourself for the great work that you're doing. OK? We're all very proud of you. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]7/17/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 553 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 41,475 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $10,368.75 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 49 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 51 [B]Seconds:[/B] 27
16 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Kathy and Cassy and Dassy and all the long-Quitters here below... This is day 4 at 6am for me and I woke with smoke-thoughts...but I know that these will pass in a few minutes so I am just amazed at the wilyness of the nicotine addiction. Kathy, I went to South Africa to get married to a wonderful woman in the Spring of 2005 and came back to Canada in October last year to prepare a home for her and her boys when they immigrate in about 6 months or so... She is ecstatic that I quit smoking as am I! Hope they can deal with the freezing temperatures in their new life here... Stay tough and confident patrick [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]1/17/2008 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 4 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 100 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $45.00 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 18 [B]Mins:[/B] 53 [B]Seconds:[/B] 51
16 years ago 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dasiegrl - If I could get through this past Saturday, you can triumph too! Hang in there. Casey - Thanks for the words of encouragement. I made it through and it makes me feel stronger and more determined. And the weather is one of the reasons I chose this time of year to quit. I'm in New Brunswick and today they're calling for -33 with the wind chill. The way our building sits at work, the smoking area gets wind and no sunlight so I've never really had a problem NOT smoking on days like this, at least until I'd get into my car. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. My husband quit a few weeks ago so I don't have to contend with that. You stick to it! Kathy [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]1/14/2008 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 7 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 140 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $53.20 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 21 [B]Seconds:[/B] 19
16 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are doing amazing Kathy!!! And you have my name even though here I'm under Cassy.:) Today was my 8th day. Day 5, 6, and 7, were the hardest for me too. Today I thought about having a smoke twice. Those really bad craves turn into little ones and eventually go away. You're doing so good. I live in Toronto, Canada. Right now it's freezing outside. I mean freezing. I never smoke inside my house because I have three kids. That being said my hubby is walking out the door as I am typing this to have a smoke. I am so happy I'm not a smoker anymore. I'm sure that you feel the same way. I think it's like -20 C with the wind factored in. It sucks to be a smoker. It's great not to be one. Hang in there Kathy, you'll make it and you'll feel great about it. In a few weeks the cravings will be a bad dream. :)
16 years ago 0 58 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm amazed at so many of you that have come so far. I hope someday to be among those ranks! I've got one day under my belt and no smokin. It's amazing how much you think about lightin up. Hope I can hang in there like all of you dasie [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B]1/19/2008 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 1 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 30 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $6.38 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 6 [B]Mins:[/B] 38 [B]Seconds:[/B] 8

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