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symptoms variation

20 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was wondering whether someone could give me some advice. Since i came over all funny 4 weeks ago i havent felt the same since, suddenly out the blue i felt lightheaded, dizzy, faint, shaky and i was pacing up and down i felt like i was going to die. Since then i have had another 4-5 attacks. But every day since the first attack i have had the following daily symptoms:- diarrhea, lightheadedness, restlesness, feeling faint, shaky, dizzy, cannot relax and aches and pains. One thing i thought i would say, i dont know if it worth mentioning but i am due to have some wisdom teeth removed next month, i have been suffering in pain with these wisdom teeth for 7 months and recently its got worse and worse and the painkillers that i take are not working like they used too, is there a possibility that all the pain ive been suffering has triggered something off. Thankyou for reading and hope someone can help.
20 years ago 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi glofish, I'm new on this site too (I guess you are too) and I think that it is a panic disoder that you have. I've been going through it for about two years now. Just like Dona said, it would take pages and pages of text to describe all of my symptoms, but the most common are those you have too. I feel it's not a "real" panic attack but something that could come before one happens (if one happens at all). A few times I felt like that lately, especially while I was out with friends, and I didn't have all the symptoms of an attack, but I felt sick and I had to go to the toilet (to puke, although I wasn't drinking). It's just the reaction of my body to the attack, or better to say to stress since I didn't go through an attack at these situations I've described. So all together, it's GAD. Hope this helps, and... sure we'll get trough it ;) :)
20 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi there I just wanted to go through what i have been suffering and wanted to know if any of you thought that i may have a anxiety disorder or panic disorder. It all started 4 weeks ago i came over all funny out of no where, i felt dizzy, shaky, lightheaded like i was going to collapse i thought i was going to die, also i felt i was going mad and i was pacing up and down i couldnt stay still or relax But since then every day i have felt weak, have hardly any energy, have had diarrhea and stomach problems, aches and pains, difficutly falling asleep and staying asleep, irritable and sometimes find it hard to relax. Also i have had another 4-5 panic attacks but i havent felt right since the first attack happened which was 4 weeks ago so what do you think? I have seen my doctor, he did a stool sample regarding my diarrhea but found nothing and also done 5 blood tests covering a wide range of things but yet again found nothing and has prescribed me with some anti-depressants, does that mean that i have nothing physically wrong with me and i have a generalized anxiety disorder? My symptoms seem to match that of someone who has a generalized anxiety order or panic disorder. The 4-5 panic attacks i have suffered recently have happened when ive been resting in bed, awakening me from my sleep and starting or when sat in a chair. I hope someone can help me out abit here, thankyou.
20 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you all! It does feel much better to understand that you are not alone and see other people overcoming this desease every day. I was on my way to recovery and switched to full time at work and even got a promotion. One Sunday morning 2 months ago I got up very fatugue (one of my main problems), went to the store and fainted there. After that everything went down hill. I am on medical leave from work and feel like don't want to fight anymore. It just exausted me for the last year and a half. But I understand that no one will fight for me. I just need to pull myself together again.
20 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I love reading post where people have the same as I do. Makes me feel that little bit more sane. My symptoms change from day to day. The worst one right now is I have blared vison on my left eye. I am going to see a eye Doc this afternoon to check it out.
20 years ago 0 125 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Glofish I have many of the same symptoms as Kristy as well as nausea,constipation,diarreah,headaches,my arms and legs ache,and frequent urination. There are many more! I am currently taking 20mg of celexa and .25 of clonazepam everyday as well as cognitive behavioural therapy. The process of getting better is very slow but hang in there!! I'm so much better than I was! The program on this sight is excellent!! But don't get discouraged at setbacks or how long it is taking. You WILL get better!!!!
20 years ago 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Glofish, I too would have to take up a couple pages here to get all of my symptons down on paper! It does sound like you have GAD- Generalized Anxiety Disorder. There are times when I have no paicky feelings at all and I still have symptoms. For example, around this time everyday, I feel dizzy, my neck cramps my vision feels strained and blurred, I twitch, I usually think I am going to have a seizure, Or I just feel so out of it I dream of just closing my eyes and being safe in my home. Then there are times I am perfectly calm, but my neck and fingers go numb. Or I experience derealization out of nowhere. Basically throughout my day I will experience symptoms not always accompanied by panic so I know exactly what you are going through, as do alot of the people on this board. SOme ways that I have relieved these symptoms is through exercising almost everyday for 30 minutes. It really eases and sometimes eliminates some of the symptoms. I notice that on the days I dont work out, I feel like sh*t the next day. Or the symptoms are worse the next day. Another is meditating or doing visulations. These actually ease them a bit too. Hope that helps even a little. Take care=) Kristy
20 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi, rhonnie Thanks for replying ty my message. I was wondering what are your symptoms? And what have you personally tried to get better? Thanks!
20 years ago 0 125 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Glofish I'm no doctor but it sounds to me like you have generalized anxiety disorder as well as panic disorder(if you have panic attacks)Your symptoms are the same as mine (I have many more)and that's what I was diagnosed with.I've had many tests done and have been diagnosed by doctors,phsycologists and phsychiatrists and sometimes I still doubt that anxiety can do this to my body but I keep telling myself it's just anxiety. This disorder is tough but we'll beat it!!
20 years ago 0 87 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey glofish If i were to write all my symptoms I would a whole pages

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