Is it really true ink? I really needed to hear that this evening, as I was feeling down. I was feeling friendless. Sometimes, after our church meeting, everyone goes out together for dinner, or to have some fun, at each others homes, etc., however, often we are left out , we are living in a foreign country and they do not want to speak English to us. Also, there are other problems, however, sometimes when we ask others to join us for association they just say NO, with no explanation. So I have become afraid of asking others to spend time with us. Tonight we were left on our own, so I felt sad. I felt like, "nobody likes me". So I was happy to see you filling in for chimpmaster and reminding me that MY HAPPINESS COMES FROM WITHIN ME, NOT FROM OTHER PEOPLE. But now I am starting to question this whole idea, because, I have just read a book from Patch Adams who said that happiness comes from helping others. I have experienced that happiness too, however, I have not had much success helping others lately. SOOO, I wonder if this is also true, "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving"? My friend said, "but first you have to have that happiness inside before you can give to others...." So, how can my happiness come from within me, and not other people? I want to believe it but it's hard. We all need other people. All the smartest geniuses in the world have said that the most important thing in their lives was the love of their family and friends....all the other intelligence and accolades of other people for their accomplishments in science etc., were really nothing in comparison. SO...MY HAPPINESS COMES FROM WITHIN ME....thank you for your vote of confidence! I just need to come to really believe it and make it come true! Love,