This is what I understand...
You have that feeling because you've made it a habit..
You told yourself the same thing so many times before that You believe it.
Part of recovering from this, In my opinion, is to change your thinking....WHICH CHANGES YOUR FEELINGS!!
For Example
"Sometimes I feel like I want to drag myself down like their is no hope."
I used to feel like I wanted to drag myself down like there is no hope, but today I want to bring myself up because I KNOW THERE IS HOPE.
It's easier to give in, but just for today (for the next 5 min, half-hour) I choose to believe my life is worth living, I can get better..I will get better and those feelings of hopelessness have NO PLACE in my life..because of xxx...start naming the positives in your life>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like Rocky...YOU are stronger than YOUR FEELINGS>>>
your feelings have power over you, because you allow them to...
Let the positive feelings FORMED BY THOUGHTS, be the ones that power you.....