SherriAnn I don’t know if the paranoia is part of OCD, never thought of it like that either. Suppose it makes sense that the paranoia would be a spin off as a result of OCD.
I still wash my hands more often than most too Sarah. It’s a good habit to get into though, so long as it doesn’t rule your life! I always put hand cream on my hands after washing. I use sorbolene, it’s good and it’s cheap.
I also get that paranoia about medication too. I’m not taking anything for my panic so far. But I still attach those fears to headache pills, anything you name it. I can totally relate to the deli food paranoia you had Sherri Ann! It’s horrible not feeling able to trust anything.
Don’t you just envy everyone being normal, bah I do this all the time. I’ll be in the street or with friends, or just watching tv and watch people and I think: “whoa, I want to be like that, care free and easy going!”