One of my biggest deterents in not smoking is the healh issues. I am 40 and have seen people I know diagnosed with different ailments/diseases regardless of age ad lifestyle.( Anything can happen - even to healthy balance people). But as we all know the likelihoods of smokers pickingup ailments/diseases increases exponentially - therefore (hate to state the obvious) as smokers we are at much greater risk of almost every sickness/disease/cancer out there.
This brings us to the detering factor of all this - however, just knowing this is enough to stop a smoker. its just not powerful enough on its own at an arms length away. Sadly it affects up more if one of these ailments etc affects a direct loved one, but even them is not powerful enough to instigate change in us. ( I am sure there some exceptions to all I'm saying - i am not Oprah or Dr Phil.)
How I have internalzied these issues for my self is whenever I am a hospital or docs office for any type of visit or check up, I visualize my self getting the worst possible diagnosis possible due to smoking.
And I live with that for a while as I am in the offices waiting for them to come back in and do their thing. I picture days and days of these test and then ultimately be there for hours on end for chemo -
I take it through to the point where I hear I dont have long to live to due to smoking- then i have to think through my the life of my wife and 2 kids under 3. That gets to me - that is a powerful series of thoughts that works on me. I know thatjust because I quit 2 months ago, doesnt mean this cant become a reality anyway - But I feel like it now wont - and if for whatever reason it did - i would be at peace with it because I had taken the necessary steps to rid myself of the killer.
THink about living in hospitals doing colonoscopies, amd MRI's, scans and lung x-rays. stress test after stress test with cardiologist to repair heart. we all know the dozens of smoking induced diseases we can get - some of you may already have gone through some this. My reason for posting it in so much detail is I find it works when one really goes down a path of what-ifs.
What Im saying this is my bigget deterrent for my familys sake. I also take it one step further. I imagine my funeral at the age of 41, hav