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Enough is Enough

22 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
KIM..gld to hear that you arr searching for a good therapist. Have oubeena able to find a group tha you can join and sit in on the discussions? Idon't know why you are trying to treat this without medication. I you had diebetes or low blood pressure, etc., wouldn't you seek meds from your doc for these? Its the same thing. Medication can help, but it takes awhile to find the one that is good for you with little side-effcts. Thongs that you have discovered in your past that may have affdted you are just that. Now that you have delt whith them, throw them out or you life. They're gone and done with. Don't add them up. They're GONE. now is the search for the real trigger. Go with that and find that therapist that can help. A ne door may be opend for you. Life can be very beautiful. I still have depression and am trying to deal with what causes that. Maybe its in the life situaation I am in now and don't have the answer towhat I really want to do with the rest of my life. I'm not worried about what the causes were in the past. I just threw them away because it took too much energy trying to figure that out. I'm concentrating on the NOW right now, and its starting to work. Hope this helps a little for you. Try and find your creative side. Something you love to do can change things a lot. Love you and wish you thebest in your journey. We're all travelling it together, with God's help.(((HUGS)))..LUV, SUZY.
22 years ago 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kim, thanks for what you wrote - you're totally taking action and moving in the right direction. Have you ever asked your friends for Doc referalls (?) just a thought - that has worked out super well for me lately.... ok, just wanted to say hello and thanks (I'm exhausted today, so, early night -- clunky typing skills) with luv always, SCBB
22 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well Suzy... I cannot answer all your questions with a black and white answer... but I can tell you, I had many traumas in my childhood that I have overcome, but that have slowed me up a bit in life... I have analyzed to death... I have all the answers and reasons as to why I am "screwed up"... now I am in search of the fix... aside from medication. I'm therapist shopping as we speak. Saw one today.. will interview another one next week... its so draining.. the process of finding someone you feel comfortable with. I mean , if I get hit by a truck tomorrow, I dont want 37 shrinks to have files on me... (smile) Oh well... we keep trying to be better, keep looking for help and answers... they will come. thanks for listening
22 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kim..have you tried to analizr what caused the last attack and reflect on anything that happened inyour past, even as a small child, what could come close to an explanation of why you had it? I had my days and nights backwards for some time and still have a problem now and then with that. But it helped me cope, so I didn't fight the mix-up. I had good sleeps during the day to relax me, and in the evening found things to do that weren't threatening. If you worry about going out and feel trapped in your house, just stand at the open doorway for a while for a feew days, and then go a little further for a few days. You may be able to overcome that trigger. One step at a time, even if they are very small, and you will progress. I send all my love and caring your way and am hear for you if you need to talk. I've had some success in licking this, but doget set-backs now and then. But a journal I keep is my tool for overcoming the set-backs and back to the right path. Constant cheking with the doc and playing around with your meds helps too. Sometimes I felt overdosed, sometimes underdosed. But getting on a good balance with drugsthat had little side-effects helped greatly. Hope I can help in someway. Even regresion helps to find the triggers. Thats one thing I would like to try. I don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking that I lived the wrong life and not doidng what I really had a great desire to do and missing out on that. We still have time to change that, and that is what I am working on now. Love to you and ((((HUGS))). ,,,LUV, SUZY.
22 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well , shame on me for saying this... I have been on a long road of this fun stuff... and have sat with many therapists... many whom I grew to respect and appreciate as people - HOWEVER - I have yet, to sit with someone who understands my mind enough to help me. I have yet to find a therapist who is trained and professional enough to offer any direction. I am very certain, that therapy is the only way to overcome.. and doing a lot of work/ self reality check/ etc... but I have not found anyone yet, who offers me insight, direction, guidance, help etc... I read and try to teach myself... I work hard on myself every day.. thought process is constant discipline... I don't know. I'm here, so that is indication I am not willing to throw in the towel to mental illness just yet. LOL.. I can still win this stupid fight!!! Thanks much for this site.
22 years ago 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kim, a key to impoving a situation is to learn all there is to know about it. The Panic Diary was launched today to hep you keep track and learn about your attacks. I urge you to use it if you haven't already. We intend to add more information soon to help you further. Hang in there, Kim! We do care. Here's a ((hug)) like the one you give to others. -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
22 years ago 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Kim, I hear your frustration loud and clear. We all say "enough is enough" from time to time, before we look to better a situation. Have you tried CBT? There are new books out on that too that can help you to gradually improve the situation you find yourself in. Besides medication, does your therapist help you to work through situations and plan strategies? -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
22 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I pray this is not inappropriate and trust the moderators to shut'er down if it is.... But, does anyone else, feel themselves going to bed every night thinking<< "ENOUGH"... I do NOT want to live this way.>> How do others cope with the pain, and weight, and is suicide a common thought process? Or am I like a 10 on the rector scale.. lol.. Anne -don't call 911.. I am not going to kill myself.. but my frustration level does rate that hi and if it werent for certain things that I have that others dont... etc... It might be worth asking? I apologize if this is out of line.. but I am at a major crux in life and struggling. Hope you are all GREAT GOOD GREAT!@@((HUG___))... lol... everything is just fine. breathe,

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