Hi Zazz,
I seem to be having the same feeling this evening. I just finished eating dinner and I have such an urge for a cigarette right now. I am trying to breathe deep. I found me an excellent meditation tape, maybe I will try that. I have such a heavy feeling in my chest right now. I hope you are finding things to do this evening to take your mind off of those terrible thoughts. At least I haven't begun to cry yet. The doctor totally pissed me off today and I was a raving maniac on the way home. He called my husband and I a bunch of cigarette fiends. Time to find a new doctor. He gave me no advice and gave me a perscription for Xanax...and he used to be a smoker, you think he would have had a little compassion. I am looking into something called Laser Concept...I think that will be my next adventure. If anyone has any info on using the laser to quit smoking, I would like to here of some results...I hope they are good results. I will check back in a little.
Take a deep breathe and think of good positive things, that is what I am about to try to do.