It�s always hard to quit, but it�s really great to start smoking after you haven�t smoked for a while. I�m in charge... I�m not going to smoke again until I travel to Europe and that won�t be anytime in the near future. I�m in charge, not my addiction, not anymore.
WHAT?!?!?!? You actually think that when you smoke after quitting that you're in charge? That's your addiction lying to you!! If you weren't an addict and you were in charge of the smoking, then why on earth would you smoke? Knowing all of the health risks, and the smell and the insane cost of smoking... why would anyone smoke, other than the fact that they are an addict who needs a fix? See, as long as we are feeding our addictions, we are NOT in control! [B]AS LONG AS YOU SMOKE, YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL![/b] Please understand that.
I�m trying to be a social smoker. It�s a struggle.
Of course it's a struggle!! BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BE ONE!!! "Social smokers" have a defective gene that breaks nicotine down at a slower rate than the normal gene does, so that's why social smokers can do that and we can't! I'm going to bump the social smoking thread again for you in the main forum and I really hope you read it. It's impossible for us to be social smokers... we simply cannot do it because we don't have the right genetic makeup. You can "pretend" that you can be a social smoker, but then you are just constantly quitting and ruining quits and then quitting again and then ruining another quit and perpetually putting yourself back in withdrawals. Why do that? Why not just stay quit and be free forever, instead of trying to do the impossible, which is be a social smoker!
I would LOVE to know the answer to these questions... if you were able to quit for 5 years, and then went back to smoking and got addicted again, what's to make you think that if you smoke the next time you go to Europe, that you won't get addicted again? Why even quit at all? If you like smoking so much and you claim that you're not addicted and can be a "social smoker," then why do you even bother quitting? I really would like to know.
I'm afraid that until you want to quit more than you want to smoke, that you will just keep putting yourself through the constant torture of wit