WOW you did have a day of it. You are in hell week and the nicotine is just about worked its way out of your system however you are still in the "going through hell" process. That explains why you are so pissed off, not necessarly at any one thing. Murphys law generally applies during this stage of the quit. A month from now you will be able to,in a very calm matter,drop kick those muts into the next county and smile at your neighbors. Be patient with your self, it is ok to get pissed off if that is what it takes, just don't give in and light up a smoke. Next week will be easier and each and every week will get more manageable.
The great thing about this site is that you can come here and scream your head off and everyone just listens and offers to help where they can. We have all been there :) I hope to see more of you and congratulations on your 4 days quit and the decision to beat this terrible addiction.
Kindest to you
duffis's Quit Stats
Since Sunday, February 13, 2005, I've been smoke-free for:
1 Year(s), 39 Days, 19 Hours, 9 Minutes, 52 Seconds.
I have saved $1,696.80 by not smoking 12144 cigarettes.
By not smoking I have added
87 Days, 16 Hours, 39 Minutes, 17 seconds.
to my life expectancy.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6858
Hours: 20
Minutes: 20
Seconds: 43
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked