Hi, thanks for the answers!
Yes, perfectionism is definitly a problem for me. I know that, but it's really hard to do something about it. For example: I have to do my bachelor's thesis, it's the last thing before finishing my studies which will be graded and I already have really good grades - so no matter which grade I will get, the final grade will be really good. So I ONLY have to do it, there isn't really a way to fail except if I do nothing.
And what do I do? Of course, procrastinating, because I want it to be perfect. Yay! ;)
Well, except for the bachelor's thesis, I think, I'm really starting to do better. Just little changes, but changes! A few in behavior, and many in recognizing why I do what I do, how I can change and so on.
And, what I'm really proud of, is, that I created sort of a token program for myself which really helps me to DO domething, to get a little stuff done without being overwhelmed.
And I give myself points for doing things like getting the trash out, cleaning a room fifteen minutes long, calling someone I don't like to call but have to, getting up at the time I wanted to get up, doing this program, and so on.
And when I have 500 points, I'll buy myself an new book (Harry Potter 6 :D I've already read it, but that was a while ago since I have only 1-5, and I'm really looking forward to buy and read it).
I'm really glad that I found this program, I does help a lot!