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“Being a Bad Worker” to “Being a Good Worker”

12 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eleveno, I'm sorry I didn't see your post on this until just today.  Really good insight on your part.  And you put action to it.  I need to get back to challenging those core beliefs that hold me back.  I'm encouraged to do so hearing of your success.  Thanks for sharing! 
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sonia,
I think what inspires me is the fact that I want to get better and do not want to quit on myself. I had some problems in previous jobs and thought the problem was with me. The true was that I was suffering with depression and anxiety and never realized it. My behavior was severely affected by these conditions.
Now I know that I have some problems and I am trying to keep the motivation to do something about it.
13 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great work applying the technique of challenging core beliefs! Sounds like you are really putting your knowledge into practice.
What inspires you to make changes and nurture positive core beliefs?

13 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In the last years I thought that I could have a better job but never have the drive to look actively for a better position. I even created a goal for this but practically I didn’t work on it and every time I did something I felt discouraged and without motivation.
Now I am starting to understand why this happened. After working on identifying core beliefs I found the negative core belief “I am a bad worker”. This strong negative core belief explains in part my lack of motivation. I didn’t felt that I was a good worker and this made me believe that I couldn’t have a positive contribution to other organizations.
I wanted to change this core belief and I didn’t know how to do it. It was recommended on the program to find evidence that support positive core beliefs. I had no evidence to support it because in my work I had few things to do and had many time available to thought in my problems. Then without doing any planning I had a talk with my superior and told him that I was available to collaborate in any are of the department where I could be useful.
My superior thought about my suggestion and some hours later informed me that I could help him with a new project he would like to implement in the department. Since then he also had give me additional work to do. Now I have a busy schedule for the following months and each day I found some evidence that supports my new positive core belief “I am a Good Worker”. I am feeling useful and more confident in myself.
This taught me that it is not always enough to look for evidence which supports my new positive core beliefs. It is also necessary to recognize where I need to improve and have courage to make some changes.

I believe that when this new positive core belief will be more ingrained it will be much easier to decide if I want to remain in my job or if I want to pursue another opportunities.

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