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14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry it took me so long to get back to answering your question.  Yes anxiety does prevent me from trying new activities and makes it hard to work on the depression program full force.  I am not sure which program to start on but I am going to read up on the panic program and after that I will be more equipped to make a decision on which program to start first.  I find that my anxiety problems and my depression and intertwined.  I do think that if I could deal with my anxiety and avoidance issues better, than my agoraphobia would get better and I would be less depressed and maybe not depressed at all. Just on occasion like normal people.  Any way I am looking forward to finding the answers and getting well.
Thanks again for helping me and giving me hope!!!
14 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds like you have an attitude that will get you through anything!  I have a feeling once we put a plan in place you will accomplish a lot.  
I think you are right, focusing on one program would be a good idea.  Do you think one program would be better to start on rather then another?  I know that the Depression Program recommends trying new activities. Is anxiety preventing you from tackling this task full force?  Continue working on which ever program you feel you should begin with.
It is a good idea to set goals for yourself.  If you set goals you are more likely to accomplish them.  Making a calendar of what sessions you would like to complete by when is a good idea.  Breaking down the sessions to a few pages at a time might make the task seem more manageable for you as well.  Once a session or a certain number of pages is complete you should reward yourself!  Mark these rewards on your calendar so you can look forward to them!  It is better if rewards do not require food or money but there are exceptions.  Some rewards could be spending an extra hour watching a program, calling a friend you normally wouldn't,  taking a bubble bath, ect.  The key is the rewards have to be important to you. 
You can use your blog to document your experience and make note of what you have learned.  You can also discuss the sessions on the forums.  Making a public pledge of when you will complete certain sessions may also help motivation.  What are some other ways you think you could make a plan and stick to it?
Members, please share your thoughts as well!

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am very happy to hear that this condition is very manageable and that their is real hope for me leading a happy life.  Yes I am ready to to work really hard on this problem and am very ecstatic at the prospect of getting control of condition.  I am not sure how to put a plan in place so that I can accomplish my goals and program work.  I am very open to any suggestions you have on how to accomplish this though and am willing to do all that I can to get better.  Rewards may be a good idea to try and implement.  I am not sure if I can work the depression program and panic program at the same time.  I am one of these people that needs to focus on one thing at a time and when I do I can do just about anything to near perfection.  I am very excited about working the program and getting well and have real hope that I can get better.  Just knowing that their is help for me has improved my mood and helped with my depression already.  I want to thank you for your input and help and want to thank you in advance for your suggestions on how to put a plan in place to do my program work.
14 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The Panic Center can certainly help with agoraphobia and avoidance.  I highly recommend it.  It is scientifically proven to help.  What can you lose right? If you have a chance to get out more and thereby increase your mood and quality of life I think it is a good idea!
The thing with anxiety disorders is they can be debilitating but they are certainly manageable and many people with anxiety related mental illnesses can still lead very happy, healthy lives.  It will take some work but you can take control of this!  It seems like you would really like to.  Do you think a plan could be put in place of when you could accomplish some of your goals and program work?  You could also include a reward system to help motivate you.  Do you think this would help?

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I should be leaving by the 15 of this month maybe sooner if possible.  I can't get out of here soon enough as far as I am concerned but my partner wants to work on some antique farm engines to display in a engine show while we are their. We may got to the swap meet for a few days and then drive back to get his engines if I think I have to get out of here right now.
I do not know what exposure work is be I am willing to give it a try if you let me know where to find out about it.  Thank you for your help Ashley and for sending me in the right direction.
14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took the wb-dat test here online and it said I seem to have agoraphobic  avoidance without panic which is a rare condition, that I also have symptoms of ptsd and have a number of depressive symptoms.  I do agree with this picture of me but I am sure not what to do about it.  I have tried meds in the past for depression and that is not a option I am willing to try again.  Meds did not help me they made me worse a real nightmare for me.  I would like to find a way to work on these problems I have get better and start enjoying my life more.
14 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Great answers!
That is a beautiful picture.  It sounds like getting our more could really help your mood.  When are you going on this trip to Arazona?  It sounds like an amazing idea!  Do you think preparing with exposure work could help you enjoy your trip more?  Could this be a jumping off point for more exposure work?

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I would be very proud of myself.  I would feel less trapped and in turn I would be less depressed and could enjoy my life more.  If my nervous system could take it. It has gotten to a point to where we have to leave the store and I am saying would all these people just shut up so that I can focus so I can think and do I need to do here.  I really try to go out when it is less crowded.  I am getting ready to go on a trip to the desert again in quartzside Az. it is a huge swap meet held once a year for a month and their will be thousands of people.  I do have the trailer to escape to when I can't take the crowd.  I do look forward to going to the salton sea again where its quite, its the picture on my blog.
14 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It sounds like you have lots of exciting plans and a lot of interests! That is great! What would it mean to you to be able to do all these things? How would it change how you feel?

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 199 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If I could leave the house regularly I think I could live a fuller life. I could go to the pool swimming.  I could maybe take a craft class.  It would be easier for me to go to a doctor.  I could have met in person with the behavioral dog trainers.  It would be easier for me to shop.  I might be able to learn to be around crowds  and  interact with  people more with out getting exhausted  from all "the noise and all the stimulus". These are just of few of the things I have in mind. I don't know just a thought. 

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