I guess I am a bit better. I was miserable and did not hide it at work yesterday. I took the seroquel last night. And I have been thinking today. Yes occasionally It happens. I think. as maurice in beauty and the beast sings "it's a dangerous past-time I know"
I was showing many symptoms of my bipolarity ...
The past 5 days I have been BINDGING to the point of being nauseous and waking with acid issues at 2am so that three times I have had to take serious meds !
I have have been losing energy the past two weeks and this week have been falling asleep at my desk and twice in morning traffic ... and for the first time in evening traffic. a quick three second nod while I am stopped. and the car ahead moves up by three lengths.
I have been irritable and have had to hold my temper. I have had two points this week where my superior has had to remind me that everyone is under stress and not everyone has the same work habits (need for perfection) as I do.
My sleep has been broken and it seem everything is more interesting than so I have been reading, and soaking, and tv-ing, thinking rather than sleeping. So even when I get to sleep late when I wake to go to the bathroom well ... it takes time to get back to sleep (even if I am careful to open no lights and I use warm water to rinse my hands with no smell soap etc).
I went to the warehouse sale of bath products and spent too much money ... way too much ($400).
I have not censored what I have said .. just ran off at the mouth without thinking what I was saying.
The cold my son has shared has given us has given me a lot to focus on ... SORE back, Sore Legs, Migraine of several days.
I have BELIEVED I was right !! They are wrong to ask me to change. They are wrong to ask me to do all the ugly/complicated tasks. They are wrong to say that I might be the target of rumors and misunderstandings. They are WRONG!!!
This is more than just thinking negatively. This is more than having a wrong thought - i think. To me it is a deep feeling (hence mood disorder). So I go with what feels right and wrong and hold my ground from there. It had nothing to do with thinking and absolutely no reasoning involved. That was why I came and Pleaded for help with challenging!!! My feelings were telling me I was being wronged and I was in the middle of a threat but I was at work in front of the usual pile of paper.
My supervisor a very experienced woman and knows the game really well ... she is great at getting the information she wants from people. So if she tells me that there are those who do not understand my illness and I need to protect myself in the office to some degree It must be with good reason. I have been in this box for some time and have seen the damage that "politics" can do!
So all this thinking has led me to believe that it is time to book a second appointment with the psychiatrist and see if the meds have to up a bit to a "theraputic" dose or I need to do more maintenance ...