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Anyone care?

16 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lady, I think that you misunderstood my post. There is no quality in what I said that 'condemns' your belief. I'm saying I don't understand it nor do I believe in a God. Would you have wanted me to ignore what is a huge part of your being (religion) and pretend that I didn't 'hear' you? Just letting you know how I feel about religion as you let me know how you feel when you post prayers. You've let me know that you are religious and I wanted to let you know that I don't. That was all it meant. Otherwise, I am really sorry that you are going through such pain as you express in your posts. I only hope that your meds and some live group therapy will help you to ease out of the bad dip you're in right now. Now that we've ironed this out I will answer your posts in the knowledge that you know what I feel. Thanks for responding to me
16 years ago 0 5195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Patrick, You think that because we do not share religious belief that you can't support me? If we do not like the same fruit, the same type of movies, or have the same marital status, same amount of kids, or are not of the same gender does this also mean you feel you cannot contribute support? I've read some of your thoughtful, enlightening posts. Not every shares the same beliefs. We were given "free will" to choose to believe or not believe in God. I do not condemn you for not believing. Are you condemning me for my belief? Lady
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lady, Keep working through the program. Every lesson builds on itself and you will spend some time looking at the way you speak to yourself, how to change it and how it affects your core assumptions and beliefs. You'll also have a chance to see how these core beliefs and assumptions as well as your communication skills affect the relationships you have in your life. Keep taking it one baby step at a time. Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lady, yes, I care very much. I have trouble with appealing to prayer or God or any sort of organised religion. I don't believe in God and I am always at a loss to understand why folks seem to need that sort of abstraction in their lives. I've struggled with the God question since I was 12 yrs old and I still muse about it in general. I never, Never, got succour from appealing to 'Deities'. I had to admit to myself that I had no sense of what Faith means. I let it go. So, yes, I was intimidated when I saw that you were depending on a theology to ease what I consider to be an earth-bound condition with huge psychological complexities, none of which are solved by prayer without Faith. I'm sure it works for you anyway if you have Faith. For the rest of what you post I have to say that I empathise with you and worry about you and wish that you were surrounded by loving and caring family and friends and, yes, even that, since you're a Believer, that your prayers will be "answered". I'm sorry that I haven't explained why I haven't posted for you or with you prior to this. I have no Faith. I respect that you do but I'm lazy and worn-out with many years of discussing God both in and out of monasteries on lengthy retreats and endless hours shaking the subject over a table top with good and wise friends. I really don't want you to be in pain and to be lonely or that you despair - I want to talk to you but without reference to theology. I see many posts from you where you never bring up God or prayer. Please forgive me for this unBelief I have. I know the theory backwards but I cannot practise what I don't "get"! Sorry, Patrick OXO
16 years ago 0 5195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes I do. Anyone know how to change that?
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lady, Do you think those years of hearing negative stuff have altered the way you talk to yourself? Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hello lady, I am at coffe break and looking at a pile of work I have neglected for a while... the less impotant but one step up from totally boring stuff. You ask does any one care? So I will ask do you care for and about yourself? You seem to since you are working really hard to stop spiraling downward. I tend to look at the black abyss and scare myself silly as I slide down the ramp... these days I am trying to look at the descent as a staircase, one I can drag my heave negative thoughts back up. Yes I think that Part of depression is a negative thought pattern otherwise why bother with CBT? I grew up with a metally deficient mother to whom I was the parent since I was... 9? I also traveled back and forth to live with my bi-polar father; who did not have any controle over his rapid cycling! I learnt the mental deficiences were self-made, self-distructive illnesses. I was not trying at school hard enough ... I was secretive about my visits to my mother's (with reason - I did not way Father to know about the beating I got from her boyfriend)... I was not attentive enough to his difficult illnesses... I was not a proper good-girl... etc. And today I am working relly hard to STOP! these thought chains because they are the chariot-horses that drag me into the abyss.
16 years ago 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Lady, Have been logged on for most of this morning but my concentration has been on getting into the im. So sorry you feel like that about no response. i too have had a little of that as my u.k. time seems to be out of wack with most others. You were doing so well. Please dont downward spiral. People do care, I care. Sorry for not seeing the post before now. Took time out to take a shower and it exhausted me. Damn meds, I know they are important but they sure as hell wack me out. Also doesnt help that I was up most of the night with tremours and sweats. etc. take care keep posting if you give me a time when you think you might log on i will see if i can be here. X
16 years ago 0 5195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I suppose I'm trying to head to that downward spiral today. I'm really trying not too. It's kind of depressing that on a depression support site, I post and don't get replies. Kind of makes one feel like no one cares. That's my biggest trigger for depression...The fact that no one cares. Well here is a topic, maybe someone will respond. Do you ever suppose that the reason for our negative thoughts is years of hearing negative stuff? You are stupid, you aren't any good, what is wrong with you, if only you were different, why do you do the things you do, can't you do any better, this is all your fault, if only you would.....(fill in the blank)... Anyone else been here?

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