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healthy habits

16 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Wildcat, I eat from an emotional need. I have since i was little. I have been on a hundred diets over the yrs ( up and down in lbs ) The longest i have maintained a weight that I felt comfortable with was just over a year. I can't diet and I won't diet anymore. After the diet, I just want to eat and eat and the struggle to keep off the weight that i lost begins. Hard to find the balance and what actually works if you eat for emotional reasons. It's almost like an addiction. Don't fall for any diet gimmicks! I don't know what the cure is because of my struggle for many years continues but you have to learn to listen to you and your body and not any of these diets that say they have the answer. I am trying to lose weight right now after having a baby and I have only lost 6lbs in 7 months but i don't deprive myself ( i will end up bingeing if I deprive myself ) and I don't cut out any foods I like or crave. But i do keep in mind that i want to lose weight and eat some healthy food too. I have to admit, it is an ongoing struggle... I want the weight off but i can't handle the insanity of dieting. Emotionally i end up worse. Does any of this make sense? Anyone know what I am talking about? Why is there no programs for emotional or compulsive eaters? WE need to work on the problem and not just the symptoms. I don't know what comes first, the depression because of the inability to have control around food or weight issues because of the underlying depression? Do you exercise wildcat? I know I have a better chance at controlling my weight with exercise. But I am not into any program right now myself. It is on my mind but I can't seem to get myself going. Even if I know it will make me feel better. Why do we do these things to ourselves? Hopefully, something to think about... Brooke
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I spoke to my Psy this month about my weight and my relationship with food. I didn't go into the details of how I feel I am abandoning the memories of my gran-maman when I eat in certain ways... I talked about not really having the sensation of hunger. I go according to the clock and how I eat with my mouth as the prime-director! not nutrition. I go to the fruit store and it all looks so tempting, grapes and oranges and mangoes... so I bring 3 or 4 with me for snacks at the office. and between these the vending machine calls Chocolate.... chocolate... okay it is not the wonderful belgium chocolates that solve all the world's woes and it is not Hagggan Daas chocolate ice cream that makes summer worth enduring. Anyways the dr suggested I try to look up different eating habits that will keep me thinking about food. She knows about eating for your blood-type. And avoiding common foods that cause alergies and intolerances.... Nothing drastic, just moving the focus of food from satisfying an emotional need to focusing on the thinking. a+
17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wildcat, Start learning! Do some research at your local library, the internet and other on what consists of healthy portion sizes. Draw out a plan to help you slowly reduce your consumption to a place that would be better for you. Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
17 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi gang, I was thinking of daily lamma's diet post. I think that the notion of die-t replusive. There was a mention of statisfing cravings and even somthing about portion distortions. What does the chemical imbalance and the shrivilling up of the hypot- (some part of the brain) do to our metabolism? to our notions of foods, eating, self-image, and being social? I know the anti-depressants slow down the metabolism and give the liver an extra task but the illness itself... does it do something to food -perception and digestion-? I think my weight problem is somewhere in there... I eat 75% healthy. My portions are what are distorted, I know. Also, I do not know what it means to be satisfied nor hungry. I eat according to a schedual till I am physically FULL. How do we go about relearning to have healthy eating habits? what does our hunger sound like? how do I relearn notions of portions?

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