Hi all! Just wanted to know how everyone did over Thanksgiving. I found the time off of work to be at times too much alone time, but was able to fill some of that time with friends and doing small things around the house. I found this morning getting ready for work that I was anxious and on edge, only to get into work and find there was no reason to be anxious. I've an appointment for this afternoon for some counselling and am partly looking forward to it, and partly wanting to cancel it. Not sure yet which one is going to win out. It makes me tense that my former boyfriend works in the same building as I do, and has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I've noticed that he even has two different userids on a poker website. One user id I knew about, the other one he made just over a month ago and has never said a word to me about. I wonder if that's because he's trying to avoid me? We were together when he created the second userid, and he never used it until just a couple of weeks ago......I wonder what I did that made him do that?