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My friend K

18 years ago 0 78 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gabbi! i just want to thank you for all your support :) it is so hard dealing with this by myself. im glad hear that youre doing well. you said the last couple of days were rough but im glad to hear youre getting through it. i am the same way i just want to sleep it sucks feeling tired all the time. my husband went back to his base yesterday i wont see him untill the weekend he is never around and when he calls his calls are really short knowing him he probably does that so he can go play his stupid annoying video games or something. he was here for thanksgiving i just kept wondering and worrying if he wanted to really be here or just leave. i understand hes the military and he needs to work he is really hard working but hes never home. but oh well i guess thats just the brakes. i was not able to get my medical insurance this week so right now im not on my meds or seeing a phycologist basically im dealing with it on my own right now its really hard. im just trying to stay positve. im sure things will work out i felt a little beter today though. i hope you had a good day today,i also forgot to ask you how was thanksgiving?
18 years ago 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kat im so happy that your husband is being more supportive god kows we need all the support we can get when dealing with depression.Its good that you will be seeing a doctor because depression as you have found out dosnt go away on its own.You dont need to apologise to me for 'whining'its good to have someone that you can really tell how you are feeling it really does help.I feel a bit better today the past few days were a bit rough but im getting through it.Its very exhausting though i feel like i could sleep for days.Thanks for your positive words they mean alot to me.I hope things continue to improve for you.Gabbi.
18 years ago 0 78 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Gabbi! i guess things are pretty much the same with me. i just want to say thank you so much for your support! how is everything been with you? i hope good, you deserve to be happy you are a great and caring person. as for me i am getting much more support from my husband not like before. depression effects those around you. you know how it is. i havent gotton any medical care for a while i still need to get a stupid military i.d. then i can get on my husbands med insurance its alot of paper work and a long prosesses hopfully next week we can get my i.d. then i will be on my way to getting the medical care i really need. my husbands been really great lately i hope it lasts though. its like you said though if it were him going through something i would support him. through sickness and health right? ive been so worried about losing him that i forgot about myself and this depression crap isnt gonna go away by itself even though i thought it would just pass. i dont know if that makes any since. ive been self medicating myself for so long time (taking st johns wort and drinking) thinking it will be alright but it just doesnt work that way. i am looking foward to getting medical help cause it is like any other illness like they say. i look foward to better days where i will be back to my real self were depression doesnt have a hold of me any more and im my old self. i dont know when this will be but im trying to be some what optomistic. but sorry for whinning so much Gabbi. how has everything been with you? are you finding that things go better day by day ? i hope so it seems like you have a better hold on things than i do and i am so happy for you are a strong woman i know this because i read your posts and i am amazed at how much of a handle you have on your destiny it is truley amazing. how is everything with your family? it kind of seems like were going through the same thing regarding our husbands. i think people have a hard time understanding depression if they arent actually going through it. i explain it to my husband but the other day i was in somewhat of a good mood and hes all "you dont always look depressed" i guess he thinks im faking it or something. its weird. but i guess he still doesnt get it. oh well what can you really do? i wish it would j
18 years ago 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kat just wanting to know how you are doing?Havnt heard from you for a bit so im hoping that means your doing well.Let me know how you are.Gabbi.

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