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Dr Claire Weekes Method

8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
They are all crooks and that video is biased by the professionals. His wife is a professional, just not in those states, 52 states? Do you have to be licensed in all of them  to be a professional. My Doctor is not licensed outside Canada but he is still a Doctor. In everything I have read he said it worked for him, he never claimed to be a professional. Yet his detractors can not show proof that what he claims is wrong. They show an unflattering picture of her so you won't like her. And him by association. It is easy to attack since you don't have to defend yourself the battle is won before it is even fought. Is he a crook, or does he actually have something worth while to say. 10 percent of the population have anxiety disorders and why are they not getting better?  Because when something good comes along it gets shot down rather than use it. The news didn't want to know his methods, they just wanted to hang him out to dry. His methods and mine are very similar and they work. Today on a site I'm on a woman talked about what worked for her and was called an arrogant prick. No proof she was wrong just an attack. And she was right in my opinion. If claire was alive today some sensationalist reporter would rip her to pieces too. I had a reporter fabricate a storey about me, only thing he got right was the hospital I was born in. And he never had my permission to print it. I quit talking about what works for me because on one site I was banned at the instigation of some people who have no answers and don't want anyone else to. I find them on every site. The blind leading the blind. I've tried every therapy and only found one that works and only because it isn't a clone of all those that don't. Well negative publicity does get material read. And those readers will make up their own minds. That whole interview might have been on purpose. It wouldn't be the first time. 
Why should I care, I don't have anxiety or panic attacks. I'm not licensed but get requests for personal coaching. I think I'll stick to that and keep my mouth shut on the sites. Success speaks louder than words. And I'm not even angry, just stating my point of view. I know lots of crooks, it is considered good business as long as you don't get caught. I don't condone it. 
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, Rich Presta is a crook. WGN News busted him.
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rich Presta got busted.

I just saw a youtube news video.

8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What is a panic puzzle?

8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
All sites are against advertising So it is hard to post what I think is a program very similar the the one on here. Rich Presta in a short video explains why the other things don't work. The panic puzzle is a joint venture between him and a doctor of something.  You know me, I shoot down books that are only half cure or out dated. 

8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok in response to your gentler exposure comment.
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks for the riders.

So when it comes to driving alone what should me positive self statement be?
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Alright so what do you recommend for a cure for anxiety? You stated exposure therapy is out. It sounds like you're for CBT for a cure for anxiety. CBT or CBT mindfulness? What do you think of DBT and ACT for a cure?
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the clarification Davit. 
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tonight I am tired and grumpy, I changed sites and the same people are following me and taking my words out of context so they can harass me. I give up. I was agoraphobic, I was very specific about that, Social anxiety, Agoraphobia, claustrophobia and GAD.  Claire weeks was dead before CBT was established. She did not know it. Her work is based around floating through anxiety, that is coping. Her Idea of free and mine are very different. I don't live in Ontario, never said I did, I live in the Rockies. Where I am going to fade out of the scene, I have three private coaching jobs right now, it is enough. When they are better I will quit doing this. Should be around the time I start to garden again. 

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