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Just information

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have what feels like a tore muscle but is probably a lymph node. The  infection seems to be going down. I'm still pretty sore. It is blowing real hard, some trees have blown down. It might rain. I would like the rain. It has blown a flower pot off the deck. I still have power though.

Positive thought accumulates and it gets better and easier.

9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit,thank you because it is you that told me about positive thinking and i am so pleased i remembered what you said . I know i am improving , i slept so well last night . I hope you're feeling better Davit :)
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You may not realize it but you put a positive rider on a negative thought and carried it into memory as a fact only instead of an instruction. Yes. See it works. Not perfect first time, but it gets better. Keep thinking positive and concentrate on the success even if it seems small. 

You have made my day, thank you so much.

9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i am trying the positive thought , for the past few nights i have had a blue flash when trying to fall to sleep , the first night i didn't sleep all night , then last night i fell asleep woke up at 3 and as i was drifting off i saw it again twice, at my heart started racing and was getting all anxious and in panic mode , then i started to think to myself that i need to sleep its nothing as i have had my eyes tested and all was well , then i started panicking again and changed my thinking to positive saying its nothing and sleep is the best thing for me . I woke up at 6 so i was rather happy with this outcome . 

I can't deny it is still a concern to me and i drift back to thinking about why this happened yadda yadda yadda .
9 years ago 0 58 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh dear...wish I would have read this post weren't joking! Ok..I'm a lazy pie maker... I will admit it. I use premade crust and then the fresh fruit as filling. If I want a top crust I use a second premade crust and pinch the edges to make it look homemade. Or I cut the second crust into strips to make lattice pie, and pinch the strips and edges together. Looks homemade, tastes awesome. 
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In this fast paced world of convenience we are losing Theory because we don't need it. Convenience and prepackaged foods means we don't need to know how, and if we do we run to the computer. Memory tells you how, but theory tells you why. The two work together. Without theory memory becomes too rigid. There is no room for flex and life becomes flat and regimented. You become afraid to step across the line incase you don't know how to get back. It takes the fun out of life and makes adventure something to fear. Theory helps with function and stability. It makes life a lot more interesting and you too. It makes memory more accessible too. 

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We have and always will have survival skills. That is Amygdala's job. Remove Hippocampus and you will never have a panic attack again, but memory stops right there. Today doesn't become yesterday. There is no tomorrow. 
Hippocampus is meant to send scary observations to Amygdala so it can protect us and it does. Without this you could not cross a street. Those are normal, you don't even notice them. Stepping out of the way of a car is the same process, only noticeable. Still normal. A micro second of panic at a trigger is normal. A panic attack is not. Yet the ability is normal and would be used if there was real danger. So it is a matter of false perception. Thinking there is danger when there is not. And this we have loaded into memory on our own. Partly mood, partly core belief. But mostly repetition.
Looking at  triggers the wrong way, over and over till it becomes normal even though it isn't.

This can be changed.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, exactly.

9 years ago 0 58 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Like "I'd rather not be taking this road trip, but I'm super excited that I will be in Savannah for the first time in 14 years!!"? Or it's awfully hot staying at my mom's house, but this iced tea tastes incredible and the cold shower will feel awesome!"?
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Withdrawal of benzo's and morphine causes anxiety and in the sensitive panic. Usually less than 24 hours, but it can be nasty. This includes codeine in T3s and what ever hydromorphone is. It is because the opiates cause a dopamine spike and the withdrawal is a dopamine craving. This is different than the Benzoes that put neurotransmitters to sleep and when they come back on line you get information over load. (agitation)

Antibiotics cause toxins. increased activity causes increased neurotransmitter activity. The increased activity is foreign and causes anxiety that can lead to panic. Benzo's help but you will get withdrawal from the Benzo, But it will be one day only instead of the ten to fourteen days you are on the antibiotic. Not all antibiotics cause anxiety. 

Calcium can do some of the work of Serotonin but can not be taken within two hours of antibiotics. Calcium helps move neurons along. 

Because 95% of Serotonin is in the body, you can get physical symptoms when starting SSRIs. They pass. 


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