Recently I had a date with my goddaughter, shes´s already 27 years. I was happy to be with her. Everithing was fine until a decided to share with her that I recently joined a business group related with networking sales. I told her that I was liking a lot till now. That I was receiving god information for self development. Then I told she that one of the people of the group there is a sucessfull architect from our city, a very rich person almost a milionaire. (What have I said wrong?!!!) she replyed to me "Dah ! I know so many of them!!" Lol were? I thought!
Then bum, bum, bum she started on attack mode and started depreciating all the things I was sharing with her (not the absurd she never had heard about this company). No matter what I explained to her, she depreciate it. My thoughts were, she seams to not be happy of good experiences that are happening to me, why? jealous...?
I became with lots of anxiety, because it become a negative conversation. In conversation I could defend myself a few times in some points, but others not. I was sad with her.
Next time, I have to be prepared if I have any good news to tell, prepared to find a way to stop the conversation at begining and don´t waist my time and anxiety with these conversations.
It´s not the first time, with her or others, seams that some people don´t like to see others in good situations. But I will not stop sharing the good things it happen to me, if I desire to do it.
Next time, if I note that I´m starting bothering anyone with something good happen with me, I will try to enhance that good thing even more, and with a extra big smile, because I know that´s what bothers more these people. May be that´s a good way to stop their negative spiral about others people life´s. Better than starting defending myself, that will give me a lot of anxiety and at the end being sad with a friend or a family for days. That includes not being abble to sleep for days, because I´m become so disapointed with these negative people.
Other thing I wan´t to try is to switch the subject quickly to another issue, to stop the conversation there.
Meanwhile my anxiety are decreasing with these exposure work I´m doing, my big goal is to be abble to have a conversation/discussion and be abble to think with clarity so that I could exposure my ideias to others, not taking anithing left said to home. Because there´s a lot of silly people outhere.