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8 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit..Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Your words are very encouraging and just what I needed to hear today...Red...
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't like shopping in bigger stores so I avoid it. Now this isn't agoraphobia, I cured that with want to.  No this is physical. I have a collapsed vertebrae and a pinched nerve in my neck. I can't reach the top shelves or the bottom ones. But once in a while I have to go and "want to" has worked very well and I ask for help to get what I can't reach. Today going to a bigger store was on my list. Not an absolute but after the success driving to the airport,  (I'm still sore) I wanted to do this. I drove right by the store, because there were too many cars. Them I said wait a minute, you are not doing that. I went back and did my shopping and it was like I was in my own house. Not even a twinge. Not even a single "I want to" It never even entered my mind. I feel good about that. Now if my neck wasn't so sore tonight. 
I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging, I'm not it is just a fact I wanted to share with all those I hope will one day be the same. 


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