Thank you both for getting back to me. It's horrible how it comes and goes. One second I feel great and back to normal, and the next I am a ball of anxiety, checking my pulse to see if this is the time I should go to the ER. I'm exhausted, I can't keep myself asleep for more than 6 hours at a time (with the help of a .25 Xanax before bed). I'm petrified to go back to work on Monday, how will I work like this? I work in surgery and I need to be very aware of what is going on. I feel so disconnected, and loopy, it's almost as if I am having a bad reaction to something or was drugged (neither of which is possible). My poor boyfriend doesn't know how to help me, and my daughter is wondering what the hell is going on with me. I can not stomach food, I literally have to force myself to swallow, no appetite whatsoever, in the last three days I've eaten maybe five things. I'm sure my lack of food is contributing to how poorly I feel as well. My growling stomach is simulating the butterflies sometimes which I think leads to anxiety too! You guys are both so helpful. I'm here to read any feedback. Thank you. Can't wait to see my therapist Monday. And thanks for telling me I'm not going crazy Ashley. I am feeling like I'll never be back to my old self and it's so scary to me