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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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2024-04-08 3:54 PM

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2024-03-25 2:47 AM

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Blowing off steam

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I noticed as I went for a walk, that anger has arisen.  It's probably healthy, since many situations don't allow me to do that.
As I ran an errand, I noted a driver in a sports car, and went on a website that complains about bad driving. I felt better!
Right now, I finished cooking am omelette, but am afraid since I added too much salt, and mom has a heart issue so she might not be able to enjoy it.
Maybe I'll go for some fresh air, and then feel better.  On the way out, I'll get my tai chi slippers ready for tomorrow.  I'm not looking forward to the cold class though, and wonder where my matching top for my sweatpants are.  AC can put me to sleep, and I think there's a refrigerant that isn't healthy to breathe in.

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