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2024-06-11 2:42 PM

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2024-06-03 3:43 PM

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2024-05-29 1:50 PM

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15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Symptoms that continue all day.. is it normal?

It sounds like you are experiencing a lot right now. Have you spoken to your doctor about these feelings of being sick to your stomach? Was this a symptom you have also experienced in the past? If so, how did you deal with it before? What was successful?
Either way, it is strongly encouraged that you speak to your doctor about these symptoms. Perhaps he or she would be able to offer you some appropriate suggestions.
Members, what other advice can you offer msell on these symptoms? Have you experienced some similar in the past? Please share!

Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi from Germany

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Many members here have had experience doing meditation and have found it quite helpful. Take your time navigating through the resources and program available here. Hopefully you find it useful.
You mentioned that the panic commonly occurs at night after waking up. Is there something about your nighttime routine that could make this more difficult for you? Do you experience difficulties falling asleep at night? Are you getting enough hours of quality sleep every night?
Members, what has your experience been with feeling anxiety after waking up? Is this something that is common for you? Please share your thoughts or experience!

Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The Program

It is great to hear that you have already seen successes within your own life. These successes can often motivate us to challenge other aspects of your life. 
Challenging your negative thoughts will really help you understand your own thought patterns and what can be changed to make your mind frame positive and encouraging. It is common for members to report that they fear the onset of a panic attack more than the attack itself. This fear is often at the root of panic and increased anxiety levels. However, you have recognized this fear and your thought patterns. This is often the first step in moving towards positive and successful differences.
Continue to work through the program and let us know how it is going for you. By sharing your own experiences with each session, other members will also be able to talk about their sessions and what they have found helpful. 

Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great Day today! I think that I'm already seeing results from the Program!

Sounds like you had a really busy day yesterday! I bet your stepdaughter also appreciated the time she was able to spend with you without feeling rushed to leave. The museum also sounds like a great idea. This could also serve as a mini reward for you for all of your recent achievements.
Great to hear that the program has been working well for you. The sessions have been set up so that you can complete them at your own pace and complete them whenever it is convenient for you. It is often suggested that members spend one week completing each session. 
Members, have you had a similar experience to trixie's? How did you find the program when you first started? What aspects of the program were helpful for you?
 Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello from Wisconsin

Welcome to the boards and thank you for sharing your experience with us. It really sounds like you have become quite educated on panic disorder and agoraphobia. This can become incredibly important in coping and managing successfully. Take your time to navigate the program and the resources available here. Many members report them informative and helpful. With all of your resources in place, this program will also be helpful in tracking your mood changes and anxiety levels. 
Members, any advice you can share when starting out the program? What was particularly helpful for you when you first joined this site?

Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
brand new and need advice

It is an excellent idea to practice relaxation strategies when you are not having an attack. Thank you for suggesting this!
Members, is this something you have tried before? Would you find practicing this relaxation or deep breathing helpful? If yes, how so?

Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How Can I Help?


Some of you may be lurking through the site looking for ways to help a friend of loved one with their panic.

When a member of a family has panic disorder or agoraphobia the entire family is affected. Family members may be frustrated in their attempts to help the affected member cope with the disorder, they can be overburdened by taking on additional responsibilities, and they can often feel socially isolated.

If you are a family members of someone who has panic disorder it is essential that you encourage them to seek the help of a qualified mental health professional. Also, it would also be helpful to both you and your loved one to attend an occasional treatment or self-help session or seek the guidance of the therapist in dealing with their feelings about the disorder.

Certain strategies, such as encouraging the person with panic disorder and/or agoraphobia to go gradually or at least partway toward the place or situation that they are afraid of, can be both very helpful and rewarding.

By your skilled and caring efforts to help, you can really help the person with panic disorder in making a recovery.

Remember that panic disorder is very real to the person who is affected by it. It is very frightening and a little understanding and encouragement can go a very long way.

If our members have any other tips for family members, please share them here!

15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Disputes III

Disputes are often caused and maintained by problems with communication styles and communications skills.

Previously you learned about some of the most common types of communication stlye (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive), problems with communication (anger, blaming, self-blame, denying your needs, yes-butting, timing, kitchen sinking, counterpunching, mind reading, digging-in) and some ways to improve your communication (experimenting with being assertive, perspective taking, taking a time-out, timing, asking questions, listening, starting to experiment in relationships in which you feel relatively safe).

Communication Analysis is a technique that helps you to take a close look at a specific situation, argument, or discussion and better understand how problems with communication style or communication skills may have gotten you into trouble. It allows you to take a careful look at exactly what was going on in a specific situation so you can figure out what went wrong and how you might try to do it a bit differently the next time.

One of the important reasons that Communication Analysis works is because when people are having problems in a relationship they tend to have the same argument over and over again. The content of the dispute like finances, parenting, intimacy, etc. may change but the pattern of the argument such as how people react to each other and how things go wrong when people disagree generally tends to stay the same. So, if you can figure out what the pattern of your arguments is you can then work on changing it. You may never have the exact same argument again, but you’ll likely have a very similar one. If you can figure out where things went wrong last time, you can try something different next time.

There are some similarities between doing Thought Records and doing a Communication Analysis. For both exercises you want to describe a very specific situation or slice of time.

In a Thought Record you write down exactly what the situation was and what you were thinking, feeling and doing. A Communication Analysis is a bit different. In a Communication Analysis you write a detailed description of what happened during a specific interaction with another person. You start describing the interaction from the beginning, and keep describing the interaction until it ended. You try to remember exactly what each person did and said, and exactly how you were feeling. You then take a look at the entire interaction to see how you could have improved, or changed, the outcome.

Start by identifying the other person and the dispute and then write a detailed description of the interaction including what each person said and did, and what you were thinking. If possible, try to understand what the other person could have been thinking at each step.

Using Communication Analysis is a powerful technique to help you understand and change the patterns in your disputes and arguments. Remember, no matter who you are or what you do for a living, everyone can improve their communication skills and the even the best communicators never stop working on them. Maybe that’s what makes them the best!

15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome to the program and thank you for sharing your experience with us. You have come to a great place where members offer each other support and guidance as well as share day to day experiences on struggles and accomplishments.
Take some time to acquaint yourself with the program and the resources available here. There are a number of tools here that could be helpful in helping you understand yourself and what you need to manage. Many members report these resources helpful to them as well.
It would also be beneficial to read through previous posts by other members here. Often these members have had similar experiences to your own and these posts can offer you additional support.
Keep us updated on how you are doing Bobby, we are here for you!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How long Have you had anxiety/ panic attacks

Struggling with anxiety over the years can be a very difficult process. However, you have come to a program that can provide you with support and guidance that is important for helping you cope.
You mentioned that you are also on meds. Are there any other resources or support you are using to help you manage your anxiety? What have you tried in the past? What has been successful? Perhaps begin to reflect on your journey over the last 12 years and what you have learned. Also begin to think about what you would like to change in your life. What can you do to make these specific changes?
Members, what other advice can you offer Bobby on coping with anxiety? What has your experience been with anxiety over the years? How have you managed? Please share your experience!
Sarah, Health Educator