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22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mild Attack

Debra, This will help tfhe doctor to know what kind of attacks you are having, and the frequency of them.This is how it will help you. keep up with that little diary.Post often to us..we are here for you. Red
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi, Debra, You stay with your present job, as you love it, and it is not monotonous, and you do it well.I think what Maria was refering to was abuse by other people, whether it be a job or home life. She is correct, as one cannot stay and take abuse. It is entirely unhealthy, and she learned from her own experience. None of the abuse she took helped her panic disorder..quite the opposite. It set her back in her healing and progress. Once you get past what others do to you, in the workplace or at home, you can concentrate on yourself. in your situation, your boss is just a "knit-picker", who feels that control insured her job. As long as you do not take it to heart and feel responsible for what the boss has to deal with, you will be OK. You can let it go in one ear and out the other. Just because you cannot get a word in, doesn't mean that you are not doing your job well. Can you write a memo or "Intera-office" memo to her for things you want an answer to? That is what I would do. Then you have it in writing, for your use. Try that and let us know what happens. please? Do you know any visualization techniques? you can send white light to her to help her heal.Please ger back to me. You know there are others who have a relationship at home that actually helps panic disorder. There are some good people left in this world. Red
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hello, Maria, I like your Quote , and think it is very appropriate for everyone. Can you imagine that there are people out there still trying to learn this one. This is parrt of life and the younger you learn it the better. I have posted a Quote in a different thread, so that all can find it. How's your new hardressing job? You never told us. We are anxiously awaiting your post. We care, we are here for you. Red
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thought of The Day

[b]"So great a power is there of the soul upon the body, that whichever way the soul imagines and dreams that it goes, thither doth it lead the body."[/b] __AGRIPPA,1510[i]Text[/i]
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missed Appointment - Another Question

I do not know what type of work you do, but I am an artist, and I visualuze feelings..and that is different.If you would lie down on sofa or bed, when ir is quiet, maybe some nice music on, dim lights, ...close your eyes, do your breathing exercises, and then, as you are lying there, on your back, centered, relaxed, let your mind come into play. Talk to your mind silently, say" I am Debra and I can relax. I am picturing myself asleep at night. I am loking down at myself, sleeping in the bed, and I can hear the slow rythmic brathing of my body. I can se I am relaxed, and asleep." Now still lying there, tell yourself what you want to do. like sleep all night, no odd dreams that wake you up, and whatever else you want to do. Your mind controls your body..and that ixs a FACT. You can get your body to do almost anything..even cure incurable diseases. That is how it ties in. Anything else? Maybe you could try this tonight and let me know tomorrow how it went,, how you felt in the A.M. It may not work roghr away, but it is worth a try. You still need to overcome your "stage fright". You can work on that the same way. And eally it may be me. Here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself..did you have any instances of abuse in your childhood, any traumas, all that stuf means something. is worth it. Red
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missed Appointment - Another Question

Good going, Cody. It is so nice to hear from you again. We all have to overcome things in our lives. This "stage fright" thing is what has made actors out of regular people like us. They had what we have, and took acting classes to learn to face everyday life. Think of yourself of as an acting student, and rehearse your lines. It matters not, what you are rehearsing for, it could be someone at your door, or a teacher, or an oral test. You are still rehearsing. You must practice, until you can easily face someone, without the fears. It wouldn't hurt for you to take a course in this in college, or hi school. I wish I had..I would have learned sooner. And you know what they say about that, "The sonner the better". Fears have a way of snowballing.... Don't let this happen to you. are exactly the same as everyone else. The only difference is your fear, and that can be overcome.there are workbooks readily available in bookstores. Red
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kids and Anxiety Disorders. Chat

Thank you so much, Anne-marie, for this . It is very interesting that that child was the only one diagnosed at this time. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, as mine manifested itself in the heart rate, chest pain, eleveted B/P ,and we are going back to the late 40's. Now I mean 1940's. I had it bad. My birth mother had the same thing. I also had the social phobia, and was extremely insecure. My parents hadn't a clue, did not believe in any kind of psychotherapy, as that was for crazy people. They were nasty, forceful, and unrelenting, unloving, and should never have adopted 2 children. My other sibling was treated equally as badly. They just did not know the fear I felt..and it was real..after a while..the fear was of them. Luckily, on the weekends, I could escape to my Aunt's or Grandmothers house. They were such soothing people. I had such a horrible childhood, and I knew it would have to get better. I am very optimistic to this day, about the only thing I have to fear itself. My friends to this day, do not know how I ever made it out of that house and my teens, virtually unscathed. I still have friends from Jr. High School, and we are in touch. I am amazed at myself. Red ;)
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi, Debra, I have been reading your posts and am so glad you finally got to see your new therapist. I am assuming that beacuse it was your first visit, that he ia new for you - you do not know him.. You two will develop a relationship thru your sessions, and I only hope that you can have the kind of rapport that my PhD and I have. When I first started treatment I was recovering from my 3rd spine surgery, and was really not feeling well. he made the suggestion about the day planner, and making a list. He has been instrumental for the opportunitiy I enjoy of getting excellent medical care. He is in my corner, has written many a letter on my behalf, and is enjoying my remarkable recovery. I have been seeing him for 7 years. Boy, time surely flies, when you are having fun! I also make a list of things that are pressing at the time. I have a medical condition that needs to be attended to and he helps me take direction in the management of my medical care. I am in charge of all my treatments, meds, tests and therapies. At this time, it is a good idea to do this, as doctos are busy, spend not enough time with each patient, and in no way can they remember everything about each one that they see. It is as though they have a "production line" running thru their offices. How could they ever keep track of "everybody's everything"? What I do is have a day planner, and in this book I list all my meds, when I take them, the dosage, and who prescribed the drug. In addition,I keep my journal postings, and my list of questions and concerns for the next visit. I also list my drs appointments. It also has a section to keep business cards. This book is invaluable, as you have everything in one place. I am reading a book, as we speak, called "I Can't Get Over It" A Handbook For Trauma Survivors,Second Edition, by Aphrodite Matsakis, PhD. It is a workbook, and it touches on the many facets of PTSD. I cannot begin to list the many causes of PTSD and the treatments thereof. It explains the nature of PTSD and describes the healing process. While most trauma survivors believe they 'can't get over it,'the use of this book, along with appropriate therapy, could certainly assist sufferers on a healing journey. This is not the only workbook I am using. I've got several ot
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

[quote] "However vague they are, dreams have a way of concealing themselves and leave us no peace until they are translated into reality, like seeds germinating underground, sure to sprout in their search for the sunlight." [/quote] __Lin Yutang
22 years ago 0 173 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Relaxation Techniques: Wow!

Oh, Cody, this is such wonderful news. I am so glad you persisted.I will go back and look at what was posted, and see if there is anything I can add to help you along, and maybe increase the scope of your techniques. Look for new posts on relaxation. Red :)