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Let's wrap our head around this one.

14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the encouragement.  I'm not the one to accept compliments well. 
I'm trying.
14 years ago 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree, feel what you are feeling and accept that you are feeling that way, don't hide it and push it away.  Sometimes, we need to be sad, angry, jealous etc.  It is healthy.
I also appreciate the compliment, hopeful, is not a word I would use for myself, but it shows through easier than the desire to just stop.  So my choices are keep going - appear hopeful, or just stop.  I have decided to keep going.
You have many qualities that are redeemable, you just have to permit them to come out, it is much easier to argue with others that you are no-good, undeserving etc. than it is to admit that you may be a good person deserving of kindness and compassion.  Take one step at a time and you will get there.
Heck, with all my ups and downs, 10 seconds happy, 3 hours angry, 20 hours depressed, I just try to grab onto that happy and hold it until it leaves, I cherish that moment as much as I can.
Once you have reached a balance (I know, with BPD there seems to be no balance and everything seems to spiral out of control and you feel hopeless and helpless) you will be able to see clearly (even momentarily, I love those moments).  It doesn't happen instantly, and may take months or years, but it will happen as long as you work at it.
Please keep posting, and by all means keep complimenting others, we all need the ego boost.
14 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am the one to apologize.....
You have been very supportive and helpful and I've been a self-centered jerk.
( personality really is all mucked up... lol) (okay, I promise to get off that soon...)
I'm sorry.
14 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You said it right there. I couldn't agree more.
Sorry if I angered you. Of course I'm not claiming to know you - I just thought I could discern certain qualities in you from what you write and how you write it.
14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was going to post something in response to Lost, but then read your post. I agree with you 100 percent. Well said and I couldn't have said it better myself. You took the words right out of my mouth, haha.
Lost, hang in there. You have a lot to offer this world, even if you do not see it. We all have something to offer. Even though we are all ill and suffering in someway, that does no define who we are as a person. We are all special and different. We are all connected in that this site has all brought us here together to talk about our sufferings. Take good comfort in knowing you have support and be thankful for any compliments given towards you. From your postings, you seem to be a bright individual. Writing style and organization of thoughts written in a person's post can enable one to draw conclusions about that person. No one here professes to actually "know you". Thats what we are here for. We would like to know you.
Don't worry about being angry. I am often angry myself. I say things hurtful to others when it is uncalled for and I also confuse myself, as well as contradict myself when I have such rapid mood swings. so, I can understand why you may not make sense to yourself. Don't worry. Just know that you make sense to us and a lot of us feel the way you do. You are not alone.
I sincerely send you thoughts of peace and I hope you find your way,
14 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beautifully said!

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You seem to contradict yourself.  You gave other members beautiful compliments that you discerned from their posts so why is it when another compliments you it is incorrect?  You can sense a lot about a person from their posts, often times this is due to what is written but intuition can be very accurate as well.  Take that complement Pete gave you and try your hardest to believe it. We all do.

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Lost,
Sorry I did not post yesterday and answer you. I must admit my flu plus the fact that I had a big day (in terms of what I am capable of at the moment) had made me too tired to write. But there are a few things I would like to tell you.
1- Feeling grumpy? Well feel grumpy! Take time to deal with this diagnosis in your own way! If anger helps get angry!
2- You say you want to be insightful like goofy and poetic as Pete, etc... But I hope you understand, that most of us are like you. We feel plain and we feel uninteresting and whatever else! I am sure Pete has some days where he feels less poetic and, Goofy has days where she feels less insightful and I know I sure as heck have days where I feel uninspired and uninspiring! But the fact is Goofy IS insightful! Just as the rest of the qualities you named are all true wheter the individuals realize it or not ! It is the depression talking that we can notice the greatness in others and not in ourselves! I certainely do not feel like inspiration is my thing lol! But I know that is my depressing thoughts trying to drag me down. As such I will take your view of me and cherish it and thank you for the lovely compliment! You like all the people you have named have great qualities. You are articulate, and compassionate, and sensitive determined and unique and precious! (And so many other great things). And don't let you current situation make you feel otherwise!
3- Diagnosis is a tool. It is a tool that helps Psydocs and yourself, figure out what kinda symptoms you have, how they fit together, and what can be done to help. THAT IS IT!!! Diagnosis does NOT IN ANY WAY define who you are or who you can be!!! I am not depression with panic disorder and agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive tendencies , dysthymic tendencies and possible cyclothemia. I am Diva! I am me. They could diagnose me as bipolar, schizophrenic and whatever else, it does not change who I am. I am no different after the diagnosis then I was before! I am me, I am Diva, with all my flaws (all my charming little quirks I call them lol) and my qualities. ame goes for you Lost. You are not BPD. You are Lost, with all the same beautiful qualities as before! 
Anyway, feel grumpy and angry and whatever else you need to feel! Keep posting we care about you hun! And I send you hugs, as many as you need!
14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

just for arguments sake (because I'm grouching and don't feel like playing nicely)

exactly how can you discern how articulate, determined and honest I am by the few words written in this forum?
articulate?.... Hardly!  I don't even make sense to myself.
determined?  determined to do...what? 
Honest?..... okay, you got me on that one.
Dang..... I can't even be mad when I'm trying to be mad.
I'm not mad at anyone.
I'm glad I didn't stop posting too. and I appriciate everyones patience.
Maybe some day I might actually have something intelligent to say.

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