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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You certainly know how to send up my bp
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Off to the hospital this morning with what might have been a mild heart attack. Very very high BP and definitely not from anxiety. Half a day to get it back down reasonable. Have to monitor it now. 

I have staph infection again. Back on the antibiotics again. Life is going down the drain again, just kidding. I'm fine.

10 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs, 

It sounds like Tai Chi is an excellent activity for you.  It is helping you build mind/body awareness which is so important.  Realizing what limitations you may have but also what consistent and challenging work can help improve physical symptoms and build on your strength.  Keep it up! 
Vincenza, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Very interesting study. It is interesting to read about the studies done for different treatment or "cures" for depression.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It can be busy, a lot of it was me being out Thursday and Friday. But we are getting ready for our open enrollment for benefits, so my next month will be sort of busy. A lot of times I find things to do since my supervisor has never trained me on a lot of stuff and I have been in my position almost a month. It's the reason I am looking for a new career and also I am burnt out there.

Thankfully due to time, the normal benefits presentation has been shorten. The most I will have to speak is like 15 minutes. I'm going to spend the rest of the meeting taking photos or attempting to. I am not the great photography of people, as I mainly take nature shots. But I get bored and tune out things if I sit too long.
Finding things to do outside of work is a good thing, because eventually, work ends (hopefully when you are young enough).
Thank you for your compliment :)

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I didn't get the one thing I wanted done today but it is okay, I'll try something different. I decided falling off a ladder might not be a good idea. I might have to leave this to someone else. I did get the 2x8s stacked out of the way but ran out of steam before I got the plywood moved. At least I can close the garage door if I have to.


Arthritis and Depression run together. This is a known fact yet I don't have Depression. So when I read an article on treating Depression with Antibiotics I was interested. Now I have to state that I neither recommend this or not, I just found it interesting since I was taking Antibiotics for my Arthritis. I have been for years. In a trial with 300 people taking Antibiotics and 300 taking a placebo almost all of the Antibiotic group got better and stayed better. None of the placebo group did. Back in the 50s a Doctor was treating Arthritis with Antibiotics. All forms of Arthritis. And he was getting cures. It is interesting because he was going against the grain because he was using doses far smaller than recommended.
Well I actually personally know one person cured doing this. One person doesn't seem like much even though there are thousands claiming this. But one actual cure for a disease with no cure. So it brings up the question of course, what if it is the same Bacteria causing both arthritis and depression, the same bacteria that is suspected of causing Alzheimer's. An interesting side affect of the Antibiotic is that it can cause anxiety. Lots of drugs can. What if it isn't the antibiotic but toxins from the dead Bacteria. An interesting side affect of high doses of the same Antibiotic is immune suppression and the arthritis gets worse. Interesting since the main stream treatment for arthritis is immune suppression. 
Like I said it was interesting. Everyone carries this bacteria. In most cases trauma allows it to grow beyond your Immune systems capability to kill it. Interesting that both depression and Arthritis onset can be in most cases traced to some trauma. Interesting that Alzheimer's comes on relatively fast in perfectly healthy people. Interesting that our hospitals are contaminated with this same bacteria. Interesting that this same bacteria is a common contaminate in lab tests. 
Of course it could all just be coincidence. Odd though that depressed people complain of no energy. 
It is something I want to keep an eye on in the future. 
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gailerina,
Sounds like you had a full day!  Is it like that every day?
When I was in a choir, I could sing in front of a couple of hundred people, but I never thought of that, since I was focused on performing.  It was great to have help by taking courses in various areas to help work, where I had to do presentations, and singing was part of that, as was public speaking club(s), and other courses.  I started as child in choirs, and acted in a play.  Looking back, I wish I'd been more concerned about other things, outside of work, since careers end, but family and other relationships remain.   It's amazing how many courses I took, though.
There's a poise which I think you have, judging by the way you write, and describe your work, so I hope you do well.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So today was interesting,

I was off for two days, so that just means craziness when I go back in. Apparently there was some issues regarding managers handling stuff between each other and leaving HR is the dark and this lead to another manager being mad at HR. Not much we can do, since we were left out of the decisions.

One of the people I hired (who I was not a fan of) might become a problem :( Hopefully it does not make me look bad, as I made it known I did not think they were good enough for the position.

Have a former employee banned from all sites who wants to come in tomorrow to get paperwork....knowing she is banned :/

Also an error was brought to my attention and I had to go tell my boss :/ I fixed it, but it was expensive.

All I know at this point is my desks are a mess and it is annoys me. I wanted to hide under my desk or at least shut my door.

I also have to prepare next week to speak at our annual meeting, which means speaking in front of over 300 people, including board members :(

Good note: I was able to go for a walk during lunch and I think the Sam-e might be working some.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
I guess I'm so numb, in some way, that I don't even notice slights of this kind, unless they're blatant, until later.  I don't fly into a rage at the time, since I'm a introvert.  There's this strange delayed reaction.  What I wish is that I would notice sooner.  I'm getting better at trying to be spontaneous.  When I say good morning, it might be afternoon, or vice versa, but I'm doing my best.  Unfortunately, as I peel this onion, there's isn't much left after the corporate world, or I should "I", let the corporate world burn me out, and with caregiving beyond my capacity and without help.  The way this stuff crept up on me, is like the physical sensations, or lack of feeling too.
In Tai Chi, I found this with pain.  With physical sensation, I'm just becoming aware, but that might be since arthritis takes time to creep on.  But then I notice that I can barely bend down, or I find ways to around things, and it seems normal, but it's not.
What I'm glad about it that I feel I was active as I could be, otherwise I'd be a miserable person.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

So you are saying you have no other way of dealing with unfortunate situations than with anger. And that you carry that anger past the point. I'm calling it an unfortunate situation because it happens all the time. You did get a seat. People do this all the time worse yet is when they bring two people for support, that happens too. But my point is that for me the situation wouldn't have lasted longer than it took to notice it. My life is not dictated by other peoples actions, good or bad.
My time is my time and no one is spending any more of it than I allow. For me that is the key, "I allow". I'm too busy. I will not waste time on someone who doesn't know I'm doing it. 
There are better ways to dissipate anger than Karate in my opinion. If you look at the names of the Tai Chi moves they are meant to cause calm. They were meant to calm martial arts warriors not hype them up. There are none called strangling your neighbour. I can guaranty that if you sat down in a coffee shop and mentioned the situation at least 6 people would feed your anger. Anger is a short term CBT technique for dissipating stress. Short term. In most cases very short.The theory behind doing something vigorous is that it takes your mind off the anger. It won't work if your mind doesn't work with it. Learning to ignore inconveniences is a lot less time consuming and a lot less physical work. If I'm going for a walk I'm doing it for me, not someone else who doesn't even know I'm doing it.
The rule of anger is one for one. Never give it more time than it took to happen. When it is over it is over. And yes few people can do this. But it is good to aim for.


Heavy frost last night, the roses will be done now. The sun is shining so it should be a nice day. I have to move a stack of wood in the garage. Yes that is negative and I will deal with it because I don't really want to. There are negative thoughts attached to that pile of wood. A lost project. I need a new project to attach it to.


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