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10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow, the person next store sounds horrible. It's foggy here, which made it an interesting drive to work on Halloween. I'm so tired for some reason, I just want to go home and go to bed. Sometimes I wonder if it is just this place that makes me tired.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
living in a city reminds me of all the comprimises I've made.  Especially when I woke to  a cluttered room.  I became impatient when I was walking on a treadmill, and saw a crib of 50 years lying there.  It's the way things accumulate, since my mind thinks of many ways to "use" it, but like a lot of stuff, it just sits around, as I walk around in a dizzying existence.
Today it's raining, and the construction guys didn't work(they have in rain before!), so I was up anyway, since the entrepreneurial speculuator decided to have a tree taken out.  Apparently a day without noise isn't a "productive" day for a slum landlord
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have lived so much of my life in small cabins or homes, some of them smaller than apartments. It is a good life if you don't mind a few hardships, winter being one of them. But winter is everywhere. My road is cleared and my neighbour clears my driveway. I have a tractor to do it if he is too busy but haven't had to use it. 
I love the life so I don't complain when I run the well dry. Or my power bill is up because of heaters in the green house or the pump from the pond to the sprinklers. These are just part of the life. Everyone here lives with this. They do or they leave. Six days a week people live in work cloths for part of the day but those that go to church dress up on the seventh.
I'm a bush bunny, closest thing to it in the states would be a mountain man and that still wrong. We have internet, we have hospitals and stores But we also have Quiet. Too quiet for some. More people are retiring here for the quiet. I met a new lady who sold a thriving business in the park to move here. Often you see a windy road headed through the trees And a power line going through also. You know someone lives there, you just can't see their buildings. My only neighbour has a three hundred thousand dollar house overlooking the river. A friend of mine has a house so small you have to go outside to change your mind. He has green houses and gardens. It can be done but sometimes the best you can afford is a tailer with a porch on the side for a wood stove.  Still, a garden is a garden, no matter what you live in. 

My sister in law drives 45 miles to get to work and she is still in the city. Here I drive 15 miles on the highway to the store, post office and gas pump. All one building, and I lack for nothing. But there can be hardships. We just take them in stride and not only do we know our neighbours but we like them and help each other. Sounds nice, well I still recommend a person rent for a year before investing their savings. Living out here is a lot like CBT, if you can't do CBT you will never have the mind set to live in the woods.

10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, I am glad you had a good day and was able to get some things done. Hopefully the heat from the oven works.
I used to love Winter, I went to college in the mountains haha. I had hilarious photos of me in the snow. I loved snow tubing and ice skating.

Now I just hate it. I need a house boat, the older I get I either want a house near some form of water or a house in the woods.

I think city living is no longer for me, especially in an apartment.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well today was pretty good, blood pressure was acceptable so I went to the store. I thought it was going to be a morphine day. I was so sore in the morning but it passed. I went out to put the tractor away but saw the neighbour working so drove over to talk to him. I ended up smoothing some ground out for an hour. 3 degrees celcius is not T shirt weather and the wind was getting cold. Time to put the bread in the oven and check the soup. The heat from the oven might be enough that I don't have to light the fire tonight. My pond has ice on it and it is supposed to rain tonight. Might light a fire anyway just cause I like to. Winter is coming.

10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My mom does not like going anywhere either and when we go somewhere, she gets sick after a while. Thankfully my sister lives with me and helps to take care of her, as she has the mentality of a child at times. I like the sun, just sitting in it. Not a huge fan of winter anymore.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gailerina,
In our area, we're changing the clock forward, so I think we'll recoup an hour of sunlight at the end of the day
I'm feeling bagged at the end of the day, but have to go to bed early anyway, since the neighbours are starting construction so early, its ridiculous.  I'd taken mom somewhere, so she wouldn't feel exposed to the noise, but she doesn't like to go anywhere.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wish the sun was out, not a fan of the sun leaving so early. Of course by Monday it'll be dark when I leave, so no more walks.
I have 10 minutes till I can leave work, some days it feels like torture. I sadly feel that until I get out of this career area, I won't get better.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've decided I like my therapist a lot better then my shrink. I don;t believe having the shrink talk to me for 20 minutes and then giving me anti-depressions is the answers especially when there are other herbal type things to take. He actually said a lot of studies have proven herbals to be worthless, yet he never heard of Sam-e and there are studies done on how successful it can be. My therapist actually talks to me and she told me that I am educated enough to make my own decision, but to inform my shrink I will be rescheduling my appointment, since I do decide to take the anti-depressions the next appointment may be too short of a time for a different.

I managed today to almost slam into about 4 or 5 different coworkers and actually run into one. My office is not in a great spot when it comes to me running in and out to do things :/ There are a lot of things going on and I really just need to get through this period of work and seriously begin to look elsewhere for a new career.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm glad you are ok, that had to be scary for a moment.

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