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10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Taking it One Day At A Time and Keeping It Simple..
Today I met my goals for the day so it was a good day..
Sending positive energy to everyone here today. 
May all your personal goals and endeavors be fruitful.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Currently I'm working on my final. I am hoping to be done by Friday night. It is three essays and I really don't feel the need to write, but I know once I get this done, I am done. We have 2 weeks left, but next week is "research" for the group paper and the last week is finishing the paper and submitting it. My group is almost done our paper. We have a conference call tonight, so it should be ready by next week. Then I don't have to worry about assignments for a while.
I wish I was in a better place in my head, because I am sure I would have enjoyed this class a lot better. The professor is super nice and all.
Coursea is great, because if you stop caring, you can drop it and not worry about losing money and all.
Currently, I just want to go home and go to sleep. I keep telling my head that I can't go to sleep unless I write one of the essays. Hopefully I can achieve that.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm glad you're interested in coursera as I was when I discovered it at the beginning of the year.
I just wish I knew about it earlier, to satisfy my interests when I left work years ago,since there is a void sometimes.  On the other hand, maybe it's just marketing?
What I really feel I need might be some connection, and their forum might do it for me, but not now.
Right now, life has too many pressing daily survival needs, like caregiving, so I can just window shop, and build my list of desires.  One course which might feed my boredom with cooking though, is the one on child's cooking.
It's like the biblical saying: "....Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body...".
It's so hard to focus sometimes, since there are so many distractions from the things which need to be done, that sometimes I "freeze".
The root word of anxiety, I noticed, includes "choke", which reminds me to act, so I can get going.  It's like writer's cramp.
I hope you continue to share your academic success, even small ones, like assignments, since I get some satisfaction from even knowing someone else is succeeding, even though we don't really "know" each other, aside from occasional posts.
I guess that's why spectator sports are so popular?
Good luck.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, I hope your diet is successful and glad you will be monitored as well. Changing ones diet can be extremely hard, even more so when you live with other people (like I do).
Hugs, some friends call me an over achiever. I just like learning. Whether I finish this degree or not, I know I am done after this. I have no desire to be in school anymore. I can take classes from coursea for free in different subjects if I feel like learning something and they give you a certificate at the end and all. I hope I'm getting better, but only time will tell.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

My arthritis is caused by a microbe called a micoplasma. It is the tiniest bacteria like bug and every one has it on there skin. During periods of stress it can invade the body and grow faster than the immune system can handle it. It most commonly shows up as pneumonia and in the elderly kills them. For more than 60 years it has been known that tetracyclines would kill it by starving it but this also starves good cells. Now it has been discovered that it needs cholesterol to reproduce so I am going on a very low cholesterol diet.  Also it has been discovered something Arthritics have always known and that is that sugar contributes to inflammation. So I'm going on a low glycemic index diet too. Also it has ben discovered that inflammation is a factor in heart disease and cancer and possibly diabetes. Anti inflammatories protect against artery damage in diabetics and protects the heart from valve damage. A low Glycemic diet reduces CRP which is a marker of inflammation. A low glycemic diet won't cure diabetes but it will reduce the spikes and slow down or stop inflammatory damage. Inflammation is always present in cancer. 
None of this is a consideration for those with healthy immune systems but it is debatable if I have one. Weight loss is the other benefit of a low GI diet. 
I'm not saying people should do this, I'm saying I should since I'm moving into the range of the elderly and I have an elevated CRP. I caution against doing this on anyones own since muscles and the brain both use some sugar. I will be getting tests done to monitor my CRP and Cholesterol.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gailerina,
I noticed an exclamation mark in your post, and I think it's small but positive sign of something changing for the better.
It's inspiring to hear your progress in education, since I didn't do much past high school, and community college, and a diploma in a tech area.  One year of university was hard as I did it part-time too.
I'm going to sleep soundly hoping you're sounding better.  Exploring that feeling of unwell-ness when you're out with people might be of value
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not sure what I am doing, I have decided to just wait and see. I have 2 months before the next class starts and as long as I pass this class, you are automatically enrolled. I only decided to work on the MBA, because it was only an additional 18 credits after completing my 1st Masters. I've decided to just let it autoenroll me and wait until the class starts to decide if I want to continue, I know I am not at the place right now to make that decision.
I am glad you leg is healing! What changes are you making to your diet? I have been trying to do more organic/natural eating. Was doing well until this past week. But it is not an overnight change.
Yeah the holidays are coming and I just don't care. Holidays are nothing but about spending money. I've always been a huge black friday shopper, I have great memories with my dad doing it. But I will not be going out this year. I am mad it keeps starting earlier and earlier and I feel bad for the workers. I miss the getting up at 2am to stand in line in the cold and meet random people and share stories. I could be bias, but I am not mean. I celebrate the holidays and get together with people, but I hate it inside.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Don't you dare give up, put it off if you have to but don't give up. This is going to pass and you will manage. And you will be glad you did. If not then I'm mistaken about you. Some times I stumbled along like a drunk but I kept at it anyway and proved I was stronger than I thought. It is all just a distant memory now. I can do anything I want. I know I can even though there are a limited number of things I really want to do.

My leg is healing pretty good, pretty good for me anyway. I'm happy with it. I'm really excited about the changes I'm going to make in my diet. I never noticed the time last night till the computer which talks to me told me. It passed over my head for a second before it registered. And of course I said, it can't be but she never lies. Yes my computer is female :-) When my eyes are tired I can just let her read to me.

Cold doesn't bother my body but my mind doesn't like it. I'd rather have snow.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
Sorry to hear you are in pain from your fall a couple of days ago..Of course I assume you will get it looked if you don't see some improvement in a few days this time, right? No waiting it out for a month or longer this time..Ok?!
Your research sounds interesting and like it will keep your mind occupied while your waiting for your leg to get better..
As for the Ivy Geraniums. I planted them yesterday with some help..I couldn't use the garden seat this time because the bed in at ground level. I even tried a small furniture dolly with a kneeling pad on top but it was to tall too. So I had to sit on the sidewalk with a pad and it was hard going just like last time I planted in this bed but worse..
If the geraniums don't do well this will be the last time I plant this bed. I will put my rock collection back in the bed again..I have a beautiful Rose quartz boulder, a Large dinosaur Hip fossil and lots of other Large Rocks that are special to me that were my fathers that will look beautiful and do just fine in this bed..I used to have a wagon wheel of my Dad's too in this bed but it feel apart when I had to move it to have the house stuccoed..Of course Edd will have to move the large rocks for me, I can't move them at all anymore..So all will not be lost. 
I prefer to work in the raised beds and the ones without sidewalks in front of them any way...Dirt or grass is sure a lot softer than concrete any day..
I was pretty sore all day yesterday after the planting but today I am much better..Thank God..I hope you get better real quick too..
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nice to hear from you.  It was getting lonely on this site for a while.
Around this time of the year, activities start to end, and then there's this big "expectation" of Christmas, New Year's Day, and I just have this vacuum.
Then the year recommences, with or without crises or activities, and the cycle of seasons resume.
"The happiest of all lives is a busy solitude", writes Voltaire, as I continue reading the book "Why Not?   Fifteen reasons to live" by Ray Robertson.
I certainly have enough dishes to keep me busy tonight.  I think there is an art to using dishes and cooking, but I just like to use presentation for mom, since my cooking is so ordinary, so I try to compensate, since I believe we "eat with the eyes"(and thank God for that).

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