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Social anxiety disorder

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-05-29 1:50 PM

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Daily Quote(part 3)

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking Robert Schuller My nightmares about work just don't go away, years after leaving...
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By striving to do the man has always achieved what is possible. Those who have cautiously done no more than they believed possible have never taken a single step forward. Mikhail Bakunin
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Social begins with yourself. If you are happy with yourself and your life it is a start. Therapists push social outings because they know how easy it is to just stay home and how hard it gets to go out after. I get this way when I am busy and soon it carries over to when I'm not.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm afraid that maybe I get less out of being around people than others. I wonder if I just accepted this, like the writer Malcolm Gladwell, I could get on with life. Is it possible that there's a marketed attempt to get people out, to sell stuff? Worry is like a rocking chair, it never gets you anywhere(Erma Brombeck). This really helps me understand the difference between being concerned and worried.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm the frustrated kind of social even in a very social community. I can't imagine what it would be like in an anti social community like a big city could be where everyone is for themselves. I'm old enough to remember when times were not like this. When people were helpful because it was their nature not for the commission they got paid. When road rage didn't exist. I'm glad I lived in the times that I did. Even with so called conveniences life is not easier.
God there are so many things that add stress to an already stressful life. Where is the break. 

I can see (jokingly) a future world where they have Ativan dispensers to go with the sugar and cream for your coffee.
And booths will have enclosures to get away from other people.

I don't want to think like this, but it could happen. But not in my time. Thinking about sitting in a boat fishing instead.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not sure, since it's been so long...I'm a little out of it since going to the dentist for a cleaning, and bit my lip with the lanocaine...gosh I was hungry
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi hugs.

The second part of the question is of more importance to the first from a mental stand point but is often ignored by therapists that want people to be social without considering the ramifications of why they are social. 
Being social does not save a person from anxiety, "why" does. A person can be social on the internet and social upon meeting people but a loner in habit. This is fine and how I am. Out of necessity in my case. But being social to use people or be top dog is not acceptable in my books even if it does prevent stress in the person doing it because it passes the stress on to all those in close proximity. There are sure a lot of people like that though. (apples) A person wants to be assertive in a social situation but not let it go to aggressive or passive when dealing with some one dominating the circle for their own good. The best social situations are when people have things in common and share Ideas. The next best are when there is nothing in common but it is a learning experience. the worst is when one person is right even when they are not and won't shut up. If you look at the definition for social you will find it allows for the use as it was never meant to be, and that is what people hang onto. When you combine it with other words it means something entirely different. 
Social status. Denotes position on the economic appearing ladder. Social outing denotes something meant to be pleasurable. Social community means people of like type living in close proximity. All have been warped to mean something else in the apple mind compared to the orange mind. Knowing this difference is a necessity when dealing with other people to be sure you are on the same page so to speak. Otherwise you might as well be speaking different languages.
I guess another question would be what kind of social are you?

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit, Do you mean how "social" am I for advancement, or just to be with people for joy? I've always been a loner, but there is something gained in meeting people. The cosmetics industry must be taking a nosedive, with the health concerns of asthmatics, sensitive people, and political needs of people...It's no wonder they're forging their way into developing countries where they don't know any better. I'm luck to get a bath these days as I stress out over caregiving. What great shower I had yesterday!
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There are two main types of people with different degrees in between. I call them apples and oranges because they differ that much. On one end of the scale are the go getters that achieve at any expense and are at the top of the pyramid, living off all those below with only that as a goal. At the other end of the scale are the artistic compassionate intelligent people.
There only goal in life is to live there life without hurting anyone. In between are the wannabes. The pyramid isn't a pyramid any more since so many of the small fish at the bottom want to be big fish. It is more elliptical, narrow at both ends. What we call primitive cultures don't have this division as bad as so called advanced cultures. They don't suffer anxiety as bad either and that should tell us something too. I'm talking real primitive culture not third world dictatorships.
The people in the middle, the wannabes have a struggle because no matter how hard they want to be one type, economy pushes them toward the other type. Conditioning over time. (life times) has made this drive the norm. But still in our make up is the urge to be something we can not be. Usually can not afford to be. My brother is at one end of the scale, and I'm at the other. We both started in the middle but had different drives. We both wanted to be the best we could. But for different reasons. Strange that I can have an anxiety disorder and be happy. He has an anger disorder and thinks he is happy. Like most big fish it is short lived and he has to work hard at it.
Strange that although we are social creatures we are for different reasons. One end it is social for what we can do for others, the other end it is social for what they can get out of it. And  there is everything in between.
People at one end of the scale have an easier time recovering from anxiety than people at the other. The process is different too. I leave it to you to decide where you fit on this scale but keep in mind your drive may be killing you. Just how social are you and why? 
History repeats itself but never for the good, Where do you want to fit in history.


Ps. Elizabeth Arden is an apple. With an apple drive. What she is really saying is she only wants people around her that can advance her. 
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I only want people around me who can do the IMPOSSIBLE Elizabeth Arden Today she wouldn't be allowed in public buildings without taking off her perfume, where I live anyway...

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