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14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good evening Davit,
I totally agree with what you are saying. I am feeling much better now without the added stress.  I want to thank you for the input.  Sometimes I think we just need someone to bounce things off in order to think more clearly about a situation.  Thanks for responding and letting me bounce it off of you.
I was happy to hear that you are feeling better today and that you are with your friends today. I took a look at your new pictures.  It really is beautiful where you live.   Have a nice evening. Talk to you later.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning Red.

It doesn't have to be a cat or dog, It only has to be something you can pet and talk to. A Guinea pig would do. But if you don't have the time you know it will only increase the stress. That is why I have cats instead of dogs, they are there when I need them and they take little attention. But you have to clean up after them.

I hope you are having a good day.  I put a few more pictures on my web site. I and some friends are cleaning up some brush piles.  I have a program in my computer so I can tweak the pictures because although I have a good camera I often forget where the sun is when I take them.

I am having a good day even though I ache a lot. I hope every one else is too but hope they are not afraid to come here and say so if there not.

14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning everyone,
Sunny I do like taking pictures.  I have a collection of pictures I have taken on trips into the wilderness. They are all up loaded on my computer.  I do look at them when I am stressed to relax me.  This is the reason I started taking them in the first place.  Yes I guess taking pictures is becoming sort of a hobby for me. It is a pleasant distraction.  I have thought about printing some of them up and framing them and hanging them in the house. 
Today is going to be a big day for me.  We found out that the rv parks do not allow pit bull dogs in there parks so we will be taking the dog back to the shelter today.  I just can not give up traveling, it is our only way of escapeing the city when it gets to be to much for us.  Next week is jury duty for me and I am anxious about that right now.  After that I can go back to taking pictures again and maybe see if I can find a pet that we can love and travel with. 
Sunny I hope you have a relaxing day today watching the olympics and enjoying your walk. Sounds like a good plan. I also want to thank you for responding to my post.  It does make me feel better knowing that people care.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning everyone: 
Red, hope you have a good day today.  Was thinking about your photos you've been taking at the zoo, etc.  Do you have an album?  Do you do this as a hobby?  Thinking you might enjoy making up albums of your beautiful photos and keep yourself busy at home when you feel anxious.  These photos would remind you of the relaxed time you had and be a wonderful distraction during the more anxious periods.  You could categorize them, say all the birds in one album, flowers in another.  Lighting differences, time of day, different lenses.  Just a thought.  Bet you could sell some for a calendar.
Going to relax today, my busy wknd. is over and might watch more olympics on t.v.  I rarely watch sports but seem to be enjoying some of the olympics.  I think all the PR and hype has reached me, lol. Will be going out walking too.
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The axniety is pretty bad today.  I am hanging in there. I've been for a walk already today trying to keep it at bay.  It is hard living in my own skin when it gets like this.  Well I'm going to go see if I can find something to take my mind off of it for now.
I hope you are all doing well today.  Talk to you all later.
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I really get what you mean about the shakey feeling.  I woke up with one of those last nite was all shakey inside and outside as well.  I finally had to breakdown and take a zanax about 1:30 am and it finally started to work about 3:30 am.
I am lucky to have my partner who will hold me till the meds work and I stop shaking.  I have been have some problems today also related to some other stuff.   As for going out I guess I am going to have to get better at blocking out the blanking noise and also get better at blocking out whats going around me.  The city sure wasn't this big when I was a child and I spent a lot of time in the canyons looking for lizards, and polliwogs and rocks. It is not safe to do that anymore.   I am not sure you can ever get used to the city.  Anyway I guess we are all just trying to do the best we can to deal with what ever our situations is.  I want to thank you again Davit as usual for all your understanding and compassion.  You do know what this is all about.
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunny thanks for your response and understanding.  The hustle and bustle wears me out too.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red:  I agree with Samantha, you're not really trapped, you could go out and play in the rain.  lol.  So glad you have been out taking photos and feeling comfortable and happy.  I know I need to get out so I walk my dog.  Sometimes the weather is crappy and I really want to stay indoors, but try to get at least 2 blocks walked.  I'm the opposite of you I guess.  I am not agoraphobic at all, just like being home.
However, I do not like city noises either and probably wouldn't want to live in the city.  The hustle and bustle wears me out.  I used to work in the city and never minded it at all.  Now, I just go into the city when I need to. 
Haven't studies shown higher levels of stress in those who do live in a constantly moving noisy place?  Just wondering.  I think too when we are younger we enjoy the city because there's more to do for fun, as we get towards retirement, we don't need the distractions as much. 
Sounds like you are moving forward and that is the best.  Good luck in your search for new home...keep posting.
Davit:  Congratulations on recognizing, ignoring and overcoming your "shaky happening" at the grocery store.   Hope you rewarded yourself even though it may have been easy one for you, you still did it!
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You are a very good example of Agoraphobia. (fear of being in a situation you have no control over) In my case the trigger is being just crippled enough that I feel uncomfortable in large unfamiliar stores. I have no trouble in a place once I am familiar and have control of the situation. Agoraphobia shows itself in so many ways. A person that is comfortable in a park in a crowded city might be terrified of the woods. I would be the opposite. It is all a matter of how much control you have. I don't like busses because I like to drive myself. Someone used to riding the bus might be terrified to drive. I don't think it is the city but the fact that too much is happening around you. If you can teach yourself that what is happening around you is normal and you don't have to have any thing to do with it then it can't bother you. Young people go out of there way to prove nothing bothers them. It is not nerves of steel, It is more a case of being able to ignore what is not directly related to what you are doing. I'm a bit of an escapist. I just can't block out all that excess noise so I live where there isn't any. Today I was at the Hospital so I decided I would go to a store I don't like but have to use sometimes. My legs were shaky but I leaned on the cart and ignored what was around me and I was OK. A bit of exposure I guess.

14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red,
It is unfortunate that the rain has been keeping you trapped inside the house today. You could always go "play" in the rain like children do to get a good laugh! I guess it would be a little dangerous for your camera to take any pictures in the rain. It sounds like you may have pinpointed a trigger point for you, keep us posted on that front. You are making such great progress, those pictures from the zoo must be amazing! 
What is the game plan regarding the living situation? How will living in a more rural area make you feel? How do you think your life would be different living in a smaller city?

Samantha, Health Educator

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