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14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunny:  Thank you for your prayers.  I am sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers tonight.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit:  Today I felt down because I was thinking about my friend who passed away, the one who died suddenly, unexpectedly.  I went somewhere where she used to go and where she used to sit, it was empty.  I looked at the empty place and thought she isn't coming back.  It's so final.
Yes, sometimes I am down for a couple of days, but not because I feel limited.  Usually it's about something I have no control over and I have to adjust myself, mentally, spiritually. The situation may stress me out because I have no control over it - can't change it - so I try and take good care of myself for that time period. I think it makes sense for you to take a couple of days just for you. I don't think those "two days" are a waste.  They are an investment in your health, a positive thing.  It's frustrating I guess when you have things you want to get done/finished.
Honestly, my anxiety and stress, if and when it happens, doesn't stop me from anything.  It is an indicator for me to slow down and take it easy for awhile - like those two days, so I will put off what I don't have to do.  If it is that wretched pain in the chest - tight chest - then I do stay and lie down and do relaxation/meditation exercises.  It does surprise me though when it happens how fast it can happen and it can be frightening too.  I'm usually overtired - those nights I don't sleep well - and I know exactly what it is.  Luckily it doesn't last long, maybe 1/2 an hour, an hour at the most. I sometimes take a couple of Tylenol and it does help.
I have had nuclear heart test just before my surgery last summer and everything is fine.  No worries about the heart, tho I do have high blood pressure, and that is why they wanted to do the heart test.
I will be very happy to get into the garden too.  I used to not mind winter as much, now I find it long, wish the snow would disappear after February.
Every day life is not perfect, it is a struggle some days and other days it's a breeze.  I think we are more vulnerable when we are ill, everything seems so much harder.  I can only imagine your arthritic pain - I don't have that, maybe a bit in a wrist every now and then.  I think you are wise in getting as good a sleep as you can so you can be in top shape for your coming heavy exposure. That's taking control of your health, a positive thing.  You sound pretty smart to me, you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your health.  You're right too about this fast-paced world, it isn't always user friendly.  The world has changed a great deal from our parents' generation.  Mind you, each generation has its own challenges.
I am saying prayers for you.  I hope you will continue to let us know how it is going. We support you and we do care
boy, aren't I writing lots these days?
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red:  I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer that you will be just fine throughout your day.  Remember we all cheer you on and support you.
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am not getting as much accomplished today.  I started out pretty good this morning but did not feel to enthusiastic about the day.  I didn't want to push myself to hard today and be to tired for my exposure day tomorrow which is jury duty day.  I have been trying to put it out of my mind all day but it keeps creeping up into my thoughts. I can feel the anxiety building ever so slightly now in the center of my chest.  Maybe I will try to read or something I don't know but I need to find a way to not let it get all blown out of proportion.  I was feeling good yesterday and today I don't know what to think. Keep a stiff upper lip is what I keep telling myself and calm down. I guess this is not one of my good days and I am going to forget about a routine for today and try to rest up for tomarrow.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have wanted to ask you if you cycle up and down. Do you some times get discouraged and just have to waste a day or two till you get a hold on it. I don't mean like Bipolar up and down but just tired of the struggle with every day life. I get this way when I want to do more than I know that I can. That is the way I am right now. Frustrated more than anything. I hate to give in but it is affecting my sleep and I have some heavy exposure coming up in these next two weeks. Far more than I would normally allow so I see no way but to take the meds so I can sleep and deal with this. It is not me but the world we live in that is not user friendly to a cripple. Physically hard can be so mentally hard too. Actually I don't think the world has been user friendly to anyone for a while and is a great contributor of stress. I will be Ok and back to my usual self when this is over but for now I need a little help. A few months ago I could not have said that!

14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good luck Davit, taking meds. etc.  hope it goes well.  I'm not having a very good day.  Feel emotionally down - still went out tho and doing other things.   Do not feel creative at all.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning Red.

I'm good this morning despite only four hours sleep. My routine will get disrupted because I have to go to town today. It cooled off again. I was going to water the big greenhouse, it is so dry in there but I think the hose will freeze.  I start Triciclycs today to see if I can get my sleep rhythm back. Yesterday I had an Email that had to be answered so the housework got put off. Still I got more than usual done.

14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning every one,
Today is the second day of having a routine and I need to keep working on it and make it a habit . It is kind of a work in progress. I am kind of a work in progress I guess. I am sure I will need to make some changes along the way.  I do need to be flexible.  It all about trial and error.  I am still in the learning process finding out what works for me and of course I need to keep challenging my anxious and negative thoughts and not let them control me or stop me from progressing forward. Well enough about me how is everybody else doing today?
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Wish you were here I would sharpen your chisels for you. I have a machine to do Carbide saws and router bits. You can buy the Diamond wheel from Veil tools, They are on the net. You can put the wheel on an ordinary six inch bench grinder. It is over a hundred dollars but I have been using mine for ten years now and it has paid for itself dozens of times.
I am still sore I may have to go back on the antibiotics. I have a big exposure coming in a couple of weeks. Got to cut this short as this site keeps logging me out before I'm ready.

14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red: So sorry you had to give the dog back to the pound.  That would have been difficult I think.  Hope you find some other pet you can keep.  Good luck on jury duty. 
Davit:  hope your day was o.k. today and the aches went away.  Remember I had said a hydraulic drill - I think it was a pneumatic one.  Don't know my mechanical stuff....use plain chisels mostly, for stone and wood.  I do wish i knew how to sharpen them, not good at it at all.  Wish my dad was alive to teach me, he was an excellent craftsman.

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